This is a very easy piece and with my ender 3 i had 0 problems (cura slicer)
That’s the point where it starts when it does the layer change
With same model on bambu studio i get this result
I printed the model 2 times with different settings but nothing has changed
It’s hard to tell what’s going on here. Can you post a screengrab of what the model looks like in your slicer after you’ve sliced the plate? The sliced image would help by letting us know what the expected print was supposed to look like. Also, the picture is very blurry, can you maybe take the plate out and zoom in on the object under better lighting?
These are not seams (seams are raising). If that was supposed to be a normal wall there then looks like a model is bad. Could you point to stl file somewhere?
Open the file in a new project, reset any setting that’s been changed previously, because default slicing shows zero defects in the STL at least on my personal system that is at baseline
I know you got it figured out but wanted to point out that seams run in the Z direction. Something that runs horizontally like that is going to be something different.