We can print more than 4 colors without AMS, but can't with it?

I don’t get it, we can easy disable AMS and print with as many colors as we want, it will pause and ask us the change the filament when needed.

So why in the world can’t we do the same with a single AMS: automatically change 4 colors and pause, ask user to change 5th and more?

TBH, you can print with as many colors as you want with an AMS as well as long as print parameters do not vary too much. You just gotta swap out the spools while it is printing another color. Usually, prints leave you plenty of time.
For longer prints and just in case you fear missing the window, just pause at the layer before you need to swap a spool.

This doesn’t quiet work when you have multiple colors on a single layer, and very often it starts new layer with previous color, so it might start printing undesirable part…it would require manually changing the gcode I guess…

Not neccessarily. You can review the sequence in the preview with the bottom slider and hence know when to change to what. And once you get the hang of it, you can easily be fast enough while another color is loaded, purged and printed.

But it is easy to get confused when using more than say 6 colors.

And when doing this kind of thing, you do want to be certain you have a firm grasp of what you are doing and to limit the number of manual roll changes.
Doing it once or twice in a long print is OK. My Avatar used 6 colors in a 72h print with a single AMS. I only used 2 pauses to make sure I swapped in time.

Or doing it for say 1h in a small print.

But you really do not want to be continuously roll swapping in a print lasting hours. That is when a second AMS really helps.

You can, almost, you do have to define the PAUSE points though.

Read my previously written post.

You can extend this as far as you want, as I further explained here.

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Even pause might not work in some cases - if it doesn’t purge between layers.
In my very short, limited experiment, (where I had color5 mapped to the same slot as color3) it finished layer1 with color5 on area5, then started layer2 and did area5 first, after that it immediately did area3 with color5 instead of color3.
I don’t see how a pause between layers could help in this situation, if the filament still be loaded and it won’t be purged even if I manually cut it and load a new one.

These are all work around, the real question I’m trying get an answer to, is why there is this stupid unnecessary restriction? If the printer supports external, non-ams swapping, why can’t we combine the two?

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That is easily fixed by changing the filament sequence in the build plate options.

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The last question is the really interesting one :+1: It has been asked many times in the forum, but so far, I am unaware as to anyone having gone down that rabbit hole in practice.

Probably because there are limited use cases that are not easier to resolve by walkarounds.
As for the purge, well, it will be done if you have done the coloring and color sequence definition properly.

But try not to overtheorize things. Give it a go on a concrete example and you’ll better understand what is a helpful question and approach and what will really be better addressed by a 2nd AMS.
Just to give an insight: How many color swaps can you do manually in an hour? With 6 colors per layer (i.e. 2 manual color swaps per layer) and 0.2mm layer height, when will you exhaust your patience? 1mm? 2mm? Or would you even make it to 10mm height?

You really need a specific problem to dive into this rather than getting upset at generalities.
There’s always a way. But the best way depends on the specific problem.

Oh, I see, thank you. I did not see that option. That will definitely solve that issue.

@EnoTheThracian when you have to rush swapping in AMS, it will wear off quickly, but when you can do it on your own time, while printer is waiting for you - that can go indefinitely.

This restriction is just nonsense (unless of course it’s Bambu’s way of twisting user’s arm to buy another AMS, which I hope is not the case)

Well, it seems that you are stuck on an opinion rather than actually trying to do such a print or thinking a bit deeper on what the really relevant questions are.

I tried…

And how did you know if I tried or not? I’m not sure what you’ve tried here, but definitely not answering the actual question of the topic. I’m not looking for a work around for how to use single AMS with more than 4 colors, which your very first reply start steering this topic towards to.