Welcome to Bambu Lab Forum - Read Me!

Make sure you do the tutorial bot! You need to reach Level 2 trust factor before you can post. Do lots of reading, come back every day. I know this sucks, but its what their forum rules are.

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My son saved up all his birthday and christmas money and yard work money to buy a 3d printer after months of research we landed on the a1 with the ams lite combo. we just started out, and have made a few prints off my phone. The bambu lab looks easy yet, quite complex. in a good way. im curious as a noob to 3d printing where we can learn all the terms in the bambo lab, and how to utilize each function and how it changes the prints. so far the streight from the phone prints are great, but eventually we want to start utilizing other STL’s I was looking into STLFlix and am curious if it would be worth it. He also wants to start learning how to make his own 3d models for printing, im sure that may be a longer journy but i would love to hear some of your opinions on starting points especially on learning the bambu lab.

This is a pretty good place to start.


How can i write a new topic? No “New” Button anywhere…

Get to trust level 1 by…

  • Entering at least 5 topics
  • Reading at least 30 posts
  • Spend a total of 10 minutes reading posts
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I was able to post new topics same day by just doing the discobot tutorial.

Hopefully I can find the info I’m looking for here!

Sorry now one answered you before.
Hope you figured it al out by now.

Not sticking to the bed happends to us all, for several reasons.
First thing is cleaning the build plate and don’t touch the surface after that.
The BL filament is often not available so we learn how to use alternative brands.

Enjoy the P1S

same here, odd system

I recently purchased Ultrafuse 17-4HP filaments. How should I set up the BambuLab X1 Coarbon Combo 3D printer to avoid any damage while printing with this filament?

hi everyone. new to 3d printing. bought the X1C.

Welcome to the forum.


This is one of the most ludicrous things I have ever seen. I just bought a $600 printer and cant even make a support ticket. I don’t have an unlimited amount of free time to read posts until this bot thinks I can work a computer. If an account has a printer registered to it I think its safe to say they are not here to spam. I understand adding a captcha or something, but not an entire process that I had to learn about from Reddit because it isn’t even documented here. The only thing this system does is drive off new and potential customers.


You joined 24 minutes ago… and are already promoted to a “basic user” that has access to post new threads and pictures. Welcome to the forum.

FYI this forum is a community forum and has no connection to Bambu support tickets.


hello, I cannot write new messages

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Happy to join the Bambu community

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Hi, why doesn’t Makerworld support a (Bambu Lab A1 Printer) .3mf-file from OrcaSclicer?

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I got the same question, it seems 3MF is a standard that was adopted individually in Prusa, Orca and Bambu Studio. The question is ofcourse, why they do not work to make compatibility, to as they are loosing so much! Many people will choose to use any other slicer that would work with most amount of compatible model types.

The .3mf format is not a single standard, It’s a .zip file stuffed with whatever the software developers choose to put in it. It can contain items other software does not use. Different versions of the same program may or may not use the contents in the same way. Studio might complain that the model you just downloaded needs a newer version of Studio to retain all the correct settings because Bambu uses .3mf in unique ways to support Makerworld. SoftFever (so far) has not followed suit. Usually, the basic model geometry will be usable, using your own settings.