This is one of the most ludicrous things I have ever seen. I just bought a $600 printer and cant even make a support ticket. I don’t have an unlimited amount of free time to read posts until this bot thinks I can work a computer. If an account has a printer registered to it I think its safe to say they are not here to spam. I understand adding a captcha or something, but not an entire process that I had to learn about from Reddit because it isn’t even documented here. The only thing this system does is drive off new and potential customers.
I got the same question, it seems 3MF is a standard that was adopted individually in Prusa, Orca and Bambu Studio. The question is ofcourse, why they do not work to make compatibility, to as they are loosing so much! Many people will choose to use any other slicer that would work with most amount of compatible model types.
The .3mf format is not a single standard, It’s a .zip file stuffed with whatever the software developers choose to put in it. It can contain items other software does not use. Different versions of the same program may or may not use the contents in the same way. Studio might complain that the model you just downloaded needs a newer version of Studio to retain all the correct settings because Bambu uses .3mf in unique ways to support Makerworld. SoftFever (so far) has not followed suit. Usually, the basic model geometry will be usable, using your own settings.
@lkraus It is a standard! No one spoked about the format, clearly is not a .zip many files can be changed in a .zip even an .exe or a .bin in many cases can be open as a zip, yet that does not make them a .zip file! And yes I know that many of the slicers will have a different way to handle .3MF files, still does not make them NOT to follow a standard. Nonetheless this has nothing to do with a newer version or not. Again, is good when people do research, and best way to do so, is from the very makers of Bambu Studio, so Bambu Lab!
3D Manufacturing Format or 3MF is an open source file format standard developed and published by the 3MF Consortium. 3MF is an XML-based data format designed specifically for additive manufacturing. It includes information about materials, colors, and other information that cannot be represented in the STL format.
Of course they can be opened as a .zip and extracted to get the .STL will still loose all software slicer settings initially made. Thats why people adopted the .3MF standard, so the settings are embedded and portable.
And this is official reply from Bambu Lab:
"PrusaSlicer is derived from Slic3R and our slicer was originally ported from PrusaSlicer. They are however at present quite different, they have features we do not and vice versa.
They can both read the 3MF files but as I said slicer presets cannot be ported with confidence unless they are the same slicer with the same features. I, like you would prefer we could import 3MFs between slicers but at present, you cannot with 100% confidence.
The 3MF is relevant to the printer/filament/slicer combination settings. You will find that importing a 3MF generated from a different slicer will result in different results.
The 3MF format is widely used, but the slicer presets when changing slicers are not 100% accurate. As an example there may be a feature in one slicer that is not available in the other slicer, how does it handle it?"
But not a single standard, or a .3mf would work equally well in all software adhering to that standard. There are shared characteristics and basic folder structures, so at least the geometry of the model can often be extracted.
In Studio, import a .STL file, save the project as a .3mf file, then use whatever method you find convenient to treat it like a zip - change the file extension, or use “Open With” your archive utility, and it shows the same characteristics as a .zip file. You can see the folder structure, add anything you like, you can extract one or all files. Close the archive, restore the .3mf extension if needed. Unless you have deleted the original files in the archive, it will work in your slicer just as it did before. The only difference between the .zip and the .3mf is the extension. A .3mf is a .zip, a .zip is not a .3mf.
“If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck.”
[pedant] While you are looking through the folder structure of that .3mf, notice that there is NO .STL file in there. [/pedant]
I downloaded and printed a box with hinges connecting the top and bottom. The hinges were stuck and box was not functional. How can I reprint this and have the hinges work?
Pretty frustrating as a new user. I’m a teacher and am spending way too much time going through posts not seeing what I need to ask a question about an issue. Meanwhile, all hell is breaking lose in my class.
Hi everyone, I am also new to this forum, I just bought myself Lab X1, I’ve been following your forum for a couple of months already and finally decided that it would be nice to buy some of your products and become a part of the community.