Where do I specify a 0.25mm nozzle size?

I have a 0.25mm revo nozzle.
Where do I specify that in bambu slicer??

Bambu Studio seems to restrict the nozzle size, it’s greyed out on my computer.

OrcaSlicer lets you change the nozzle in the Extruder settings.

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Yeah, I already tried with OrcaSlicer:

But when actually kicking off the print, I get this dialog:

So it looks like somewhere my 0.25mm nozzle setting in the printers extruder settings is being ignored and a 0.2mm is used instead (I based my profile on the 0.2mm bambu profile). So during the print (after pressing confirm) not enough filement is being pushed through…

Did you try “Confirm and update”?

Yes, nothing happens.
The dialog stays presented and does not dismiss.

Click on the printer drop-down arrow then select “Create Printer”.

You get the following. Under “Create Type”, select “Create Nozzle for Existing Printer”.

The screen will change to the nozzle selection options.


Use the drop-down menu next to “Nozzle Diameter”.

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Wow, this ‘Create Nozzle for Existing Printer’ thing looked soo promising.
Unfortunately, no printer shows up when trying to select a printer in the pull down.

Well, you do have to have a printer. What are you using now? Have you read any of Bambu Wiki instructions for your printer? :roll_eyes:

Try this: At the top left, Click on the Printer options symbol. Then select a printer.

These are my printers that do not show up in the ‘Create Nozzle for Existing Printer’ pulldown menu in my Bambu Studio app. (And also not in OrcaSlicer)… :man_shrugging:t2:

Edit: I was able to create a complete new printer hoping I could spec a new 0.25mm Bambu Lab P1S… But that has loads of configuration to do, I couldn’t even get that connected to the actual printer. BUT that printer that I created DID show up in the ‘Create Nozzle for Existing Printer’ pulldown menu. But none of the default Bambu Lab printers form my screenshot showed up…

They won’t appear. You make the selection from the screen you show. If you’re not changing one of the stock presets, then you must create a new printer with its configuration. Make a choice.

I also noticed your using the Apple/Mac version. I’m not familiar with that.

There is an open issue for the “Confirm and update” dialog on Github:
More input there from other users may be helpful.

I think there is another issue in that the Create Nozzle choice requires selecting an Existing Printer, but the Printer dropdown does not populate, so no choice is available.

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Yeah, I’m pretty much winging it myself. I noticed this in the How to Create Custom Presets.
“System presets cannot be modified directly. However, you can make copies of system presets, modify any settings you like, and save the result as a user preset.”

The new printer will be in User Presets.

And then I’m back to:

I’m going to see if there’s something I can do something with the json files stored in “~/Library/Application Support/BambuStudio” or “~/Library/Application Support/OrcaSlicer”