Why does my print have these artifacts in it?

I am trying to print this red table and it keeps printing with these red and maybe grey artifacts where the yellow should be.

The slicer doesn’t show that it would be printing any other colors there besides the yellow. My volumetric speed is 25.985 and I’m using Polyterra PLA. I have tried printing at .2mm and .08mm and have had even worse results at .08mm. Flush into object infill is turned off as well. My top shell layers are 5.

Just speculating: It looks like some poop got dragged into the print.


The biggest red artifact appears in the same spot every time.

Did you take a timelapse? I have found them quite useful during troubleshooting.

As a further idea, did you try moing the purge tower and objects? If it is debris, it should at least change location.

Edit: Sorry, did not spot that you are using an A Series despite the poop mountain. Maybe move the printer to an edge to avoid the chance of poop ping-pong? And maybe catching it? I only have an X1 but even there it does happen that a bit of loose poop falls onto the print bed.


I haven’t tried moving it, but I have tried printing it at 70% and the same artifacts appeared in the same spot, but of course on a smaller scale. I will try moving the tower and see what happens.

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Try increasing Flushing Volumes from Red to Yellow by +100.