Indeed that’s the chamber fan
Which of your tools does make a noise when not in use?
To be honest… that fan noise while the printer is in ‘standby’ is an absolute agony.
Got my unit yesterday, couldn’t believe that this is the intended behaviour at first.
Triggered some ender low-quality backflashes.
Btw.: It’s the not the PSU fan. There seems to be a solid fan-less PSU in there.
It’s the mainboard fan (officially called MC fan). Whoever voted for this to be OKAY during development - of that otherwise beautifully thought trough machine - deserves prison time.
Luckily, the fan can be replaced by a noctua quite easily.
Still hope for everyone that they’ll implement a solid standby mode.
Then I think something is simply wrong with your MC fan. The Noctua 4020 I installed instead of the original one is at least the same noise or maybe even louder than the original.
So you replaced it with a noctua once the bearing blew?
Installed a noctua A4x10 today. Literally INAUDIBLE now.
Even from 5cm away.
They really need to rethink that MC fan.
do I understand correctly that I would need to cut off the original fan and soldier the Nocua one?
Is there any plug that you could unplug and then plug in the Nocua?
There’s a switch on the back of the X1C. Just turn it off then while in standby. I’m aware it’s not an ideal solution, but it will save you from the agony, and you won’t be missing anything.
Wow. What a constructive input.
“and you won’t be missing anything”
I’d be missing flow calibration, that’s for sure.
You seem not to have read through the thread, but I eventually replaced the MC board fan with a noctua. Inaudible standby now. As it should have been from the beginning.
I have a Kasa power strip in front of my X1 so that I can cut power remotely in case of an emergency. It also gives me interesting insight in to power consumption of the printer.
FWIW, I added an Ikea Tradfri breaker, so I can power it on and off with the switch and with home automation (Ikea app and HomeAssistant)
I use home automation as well. It powers the printer off when the power consumption is below some value for longer than 1 hour. I set the threashold 4 Watts above idle power. It works perfectly. It doesn’t power off the printer in paused state (filament change failure, false spaghetti detection), because in this state the heated bed is still on, so the print doesn’t get ruined.
@user_514568738 Nice finding! Why the 1 hour waiting period? Seems a bit long. I’m guessing you want to be certain everything is cooled off before shutting down the fans. Is there a shorter period that would work just as well? I suppose you might have to base the wait interval on worst case ambient environmental heat., unless maybe you measure the ambient temperature and have your automation use that to decide how long to wait.
1 hour just because I’m lazy. It is long enough to let everything cool down but also it is long enough for me to come to printer, take out the printed object, clean the build plate and start another print (which is what I usually do) without need of powering all again up and waiting for the printer to boot up, which is annoying.
Of course shorter period would work too, I guess 20 minutes would be OK. It doesn’t really matter for me, 40 minutes difference make almost no additional costs, the power consumption is very low in idle.
This is rad. What hardware are you using to accomplish this?
My solution is quite uncommon.
Home automation is done by Fibaro. The printer is powered from sine wave power inverter with 100Ah lithium battery. The inverter is equipped with custom-built remote control module connected to Z-wave network of the Fibaro. The utility power is connected from Fibaro wall plug.
All this gives mi full control over the solution with ability to print at the time of power outage for more that 12 hours. My prints usually go for 6+ hours and I really don’t want to test the printer’s ability to recover from power outage. The printer is quite fast and amount of material loss after 6 hours of printing would be enormous.
I don’t know why, but Bambu Lab decided that I have to create another user account.
Is it possible you can create your own topic regarding your on powering down solution (which in my eyes should be integrated in the printer bambu lab sells).
I want to have this topic clean. I don’t want to work around this fan problem. In my opinion it’s something bambu lab has to solve. Switch LIGHT and FAN OFF, but keep network ONLINE. Should not be so hard.
I wonder if there is a gcode command controlling the LED light.
If it was there, you could shut the light down using custom gcode at the end of the print.
I doubt the same would work for MC fan, it keeps the electronics cool and as long as the electronics is powered on, it need to be cooled down. And the printer definitely doesn’t support software power off, so there is hardly any solution for that except replacing the fan with quieter one or controlling the power by external solution.
Never mind, I see the BOM in the Youtube video
Thanks for this - fantastico!
M960 S5 P0 ; turn off logo light
end gcode for turn off 1 light, the main light is autoturned off if was off when the print started (i think with timelapse active)
the only thing that remain active is a small red light, i notice it only from the camera
a few other points…
if u change the fan with noctua is silent… but is much slower, so it will not cool down like the normal fan (is silent bc is something like half rpm compared to the default)
if u add a power switch controlled with wifi or whatelse, the question should be why u want do that? if you think you are saving power, then that is wrong since the power switch use something like 2kw for enable the wifi card inside)
basically you are trading a 8w bambu idle with a 2w power switch idle (and +2 when the printer is working) saving 6w24365 = 52 kw/ year if u never turn on the printer, 52kw is much less than the price of the power unit
Unless you pay 0.60 - 0.80 $ per kwh like here last year