Will the P1P receive LAN only and send to printer/SD card options?

Neither are currently available, can we expect them in a software / firmware update?


I’d be interested in such a feature, too, as the cloud sometimes is annoyingly slow. Yesterday, the transfer of about 300kB lasted for about 15 minutes…

Cloud is very slow atm… would be nice to have this feature !

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@BambuLab we need this feature, please implement.

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@BambuLab Plus very unreliable today.

@BambuLab Yep, LAN only and direct send to printer/SD card please.


One more thing… This morning, my Macbook was logged into the other Wifi and obviously could not connect to the P1P’s camera, instead THIS screen came up showing the display of NOT an X1!
This screenshot has been taken from the Softfever slicer.
But anyway … Does this mean there is hope for us?