I have X1 with AMS. I had two rolls of Petg Black loaded into Slot 2 and 3, I had the Auto switch setting if one runs out activated before staring a job.
Both rolls were same profile settings
one roll ran out but it didnt auto switch over. it wanted me to replace roll instead
cant figure out what i did wrong
I’ve had that happen as well, but it worked with the Bambu Lab filament. I haven’t touched my setting either, I have left it on to use the next “like” roll. IDK Its just another weird thing since the last update IMO
Auto switch on run out works for me, I just ran out a spool of Maker Geek white from 2016 in slot 1 that I lied to the AMS about, setting it to match the color and type of the Overture grey in slot 4.
On the other hand, when I tried to hand feed a 2’ long piece in after the tail on another spool, it rejected it and stopped until I pulled it all the way out then fed it back in. It then finished that piece and switched to the next spool. Maybe the filament out switch on your printer bounced and that caused it to request a spool in the same slot.
I’m not sure where I read it, and I can’t seem to find the post now, but it was my understanding that the runout moved in order, from slot 1 to slot 4. Whenever I have used old rolls of filament, I have put those in slot 1 and the new roll in slot 2, 3, or 4. I think because your run out spool was in slot 3 and there wasn’t a new roll in slot 4, the AMS assumed it was out, prompting you to replace the filament.
So the truth is I don’t know for sure if the AMS slot order is important, but if you can get it to work with spools in the proper order, then you can confirm that functionality.
That was me and do I now suspect order is important. I posted in the AMS forum a week later about using a bunch of small left overs and it acted very much like it wanted to run them in order left to right. I’ll see if I can edit the first thread. Done.
Next time I get close to running out, I’ll run a test with two AMS units and see if the behavior is the same for a spool running out on AMS 1 and the replacement spool is in AMS 2.
makes me wonder… lets assume you started a job at slot 4. and didnt think you would run out, but then realized it would so you put a roll into slot 1. but once job is running AMS doesnt let you set roll details… so I couldnt add roll and assgn it the same details are slot 4 for it to continue. I would have to manually swap rolls once 4 ran out
I had something similar happen to me on a 22h print a few days ago. Printing from slot 1, I put new roll in slot 3 mid print but wasn’t able to update the details (even with the new roll having RFID). I was hoping once the first roll ran out, it might be able to read the new roll and automatically continue, but the job completed with like 10g left on the first roll.
Hopefully we are able to update filament details mid print in the near future.
I just went back and watched BLs filament runout video. Not once did they mention that had to be in slot one. It would be nice if you did have a second AMS to preload a spare roll of filement while printing from the other AMS. It would have room in its own PTFE tube to check RFID tag and take up slack.
You also could be smart and plan ahead for these types of situations.