X1C Lidar sticker file

Does anyone have the vector Lidar Sticker file directly from Bambu Labs?
Any information on if the sticker was thermal or inkjet printed? On any particular special white adhesive material?

I need to create another new one…

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According to this test, one is unlikely to print it successfully.

Any updates? I’m in the same boat. Bambu Lab got back to me 19 days later after I told them about my sticker being messed up, and they just sent me an off-scale repeating pattern PDF file, but I can’t do anything with it because no printer can recreate that sticker perfectly. I reached out to them again for a better solution, like… just sending replacement stickers. I know they have a roll of them lying around somewhere lol

I enjoy hearing this because apparently newly manufactured models come with a spare sticker now…

Funny, I just completed my Lidar sticker replacement print yesterday. Bambu Labs sent me a PDF file, I printed at the highest resolution on my UV printer on white adhesive vinyl.
It is the correct scale, and I applied it in the appropriate area.

I’ll see how it works today.

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Would you mind sharing that original Bambu Lab PDF here?

Sure, find it attached here.

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:pray: @dreko - I’ll try the JPG. I note PDFs cannot be posted here.
Thank you

Ok, shoot me your email and I can send you the PDF. Alternatively, if you just ask Bambu Suport, they’ll send it to you directly. This is what I did

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I would have thought that an SVG file would be best. A JPG sounds like a poor option to me.

Do you see any vector formats here?

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Interesting. I would have thought it would be hard for the sticker to get damaged, but it has happened to me and multiple others (or they get a higher bed and so they need a higher calibration board with another sticker) and I am really hoping I can get some actual stickers from Bambu.

I am interested to know if you get any errors with this or not. It looks good to me. I do wonder if the sheen/texture of the print will cause any issues or not

Did you try it? What resolution is your UV printer? My sticker has survived so far but I have noted it’s in harms way when I’m scraping off the prime line in situ. Also, UV printers sounds like fun, maybe I could find a way to need one :rofl::joy:

We’ll I’d try submitting a ticket to ask for them. I mean if they’re including a spare now within a X1C purchase I’d believe that means they have a stockpile that’s available to everyone. It also must’ve became an awareness issue since my X1C from april 2023 didn’t come with a spare sticker yet now a april 2024 model does…

Yeah I asked for the stickers already, we will see what they say. Because it took them nearly a month to respond to me before and they just sent me that pdf, which I have to admit is a laughable solution. I was frustrated when they sent me that. Bambu Lab knows how sensitive their own lidar is, so they should know that I would need na extremely precise and high quality printer and sticker paper, not to mention their pdf file is off-scale so I have to resize it. It just makes more sense for them to send me some stickers. I showed them photos of my lidar calibration error and the torn sticker, so I hope they will make this right. An X1C without priperly working lidar is like… I don’t know, cookies without milk or something lol

Thank you so much, it really helps me :grin::grin::grin:

Did this work for you? The prints look like they came out good

They got back to me again and said there’s nothing they can do to send me a sticker, which I think is bs. They just gave me the PDF file again, I just printed off a perfectly sized sticker in the highest quality that my inkjet could do on shipping label paper, carefully cut out its shape, applied it and ran the calibration test 3 times. It failed all three times. So Bambu knows I have an expensive X1C without working Lidar which is one of the main selling points of the printer, and refuses to send me some stickers in an envelope, instead just sending me a PDF. How lazy.

I purchased a aluminum CNC’d build plate from Kis3D.de… however when it arrived, they sent a incorrect item. I’ve been waiting on the replacement, once it’s here I’ll put my Lidar sticker on and test…

I’m pretty confident my stickers will work, as I’m also a professional printer and I printed this at the highest resolution/sharpness of my UV printer.

Hopefully my plate will arrive soon…

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