You need to check out ETSY regularly

it’s kind of annoying when you see someone selling your model files on Etsy , and their buyer expects they have the right to sell the model because “they bought the commercial license” , then things goes on and on

basically those seller will just ignore you when you ask them to remove models from listing , so they can keep selling it till Etsy remove them

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Was hat das mit Makerworld zu tun wenn so etwas nicht möchte sollte man die Modelle nicht öffentlich machen. Es wird immer Leute geben die sich nicht mit den Lizenen beschäfftigen oder denen es schlichtweg egal ist.

Gruss der Garfield

What does that have to do with Makerworld if you don’t want something like that, you shouldn’t make the models public. There will always be people who are not interested in the licences or who simply don’t care.

Greetings from Garfield

Do you not understand the issue here?

Anko is a designer. Seller on etsy doesn’t have “commercial licence” allowing them to sell Anko’s designs. A buyer think it’s OK to buy from seller, assuming that the seller did obtain licence for the model (or worse - is a model author)

That’s NOT good and is against the law in multiple jurisdictions.


models were steal from makerworld, while Etsy took down my design from those seller, I do notice there’s a lot more of their listing are from makerworld as well


Hey @Anko, can you link to the seller so others can check and report, please?


it got taken down already, but I only have the right to ask Etsy took down my own models

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As a neighbor fellow in Germany, seeing this kind of attitude coming from another German colleague, seems way wrong. And yes, lately i got many german “creators” selling mine and other people models without any interest for their license.

I guess it’s part of what Bambu brought to the table because now everyone buys a bambu printer, create an instagram/etsy account and are already creators. Heck, everywhere on Instagram i see accounts with “3D Creator”, "Creator of (insert name here), etc… This is simply not the way, period! You are only a creator once you start creating, hence the name.

Just because our models are in public display (or how else would we show our models?!) it does not mean that anyone can come and do what they want.
Clearly there must be lack of information from your part. Just because “some” do, does not mean that they should do.



Yes, I know, but is the seller still on the platform? If so - can you link to the seller please?

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Ich verstehe das Problem durchaus aber das ist nicht das Problem von Makerworld. Wenn man Modelle öffentlich zugänglichmacht ( und da spielt die Plattform keine Rolle ), muss man damit rechnen das die Modelle gestolen werden. Wie wie gesagt den Leuten die sowas machen die Lizenzen unter denen man es veröffentlich vollkommen egal sind.

Gruss der Garfield

I understand the problem, but that’s not Makerworld’s problem. If you make models publicly available (and the platform doesn’t matter), you have to expect that the models will be stolen. As I said, the people who make these things don’t care about the licences under which they are published.

Greetings from Garfield

Translated with DeepL

sorry, my bad, didn’t expect I couldn’t find those’s seller after it got took down

That’s OK. Next time - please save a link and share, so that if more people are affected, they can report the seller for Etsy to take the seller completely down.

It is Makerworld’s problem. For an artist to showcase his models here, they would have to enforce the license. It’s not easy, but doable. Imagine if Makerworld gets to be known for “the platform that does not protect their users”. No trust, no creators uploading. No uploads, no interest for anyone else looking for models to print. No models to print, users start going to other platforms. Makerworld dies in no time.

I’ll tell one of my examples. A person, with a physical 3D print shop in Germany was selling my models on Ebay Kleinanzeigen. I got notified and immediately formed a complaint and the model went down. I also contacted that person during that complaint. He told me: “i was not aware that this model had a license attached to it so i started selling it”
If i had not contacted them, as you say, because i must expect my models to be stolen, they would still selling it without informing themselves and i would be at loss.

We must always expect that to happen but finding it normal and acceptable is another thing and should not be tolerated and in certains cases, enforced by law, specifically in Germany.

Regards from your neighbour :wink:


here’s one , but I think he remove most of the steal model

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Also ich nutze auch Makerworld und habe jetzt auch ein Teil gedruckt das ich Testweise versuche zu verkaufen. Keine Sorge das Teil ist Public Domain.

Aber es ist auf Makerworld erkentlich unter welcher Lizenz es veröffentlich wurde. Und mit klick auf die Lizenz sieht man auch was sie zu lässt was möchtest du also nochmehr wie Solll Makerworld solche Diebstähle verhindern? Makerworld kann nichts dafür wenn den Leuten es egal ist. Das der Verkäufe gesagt hat das er es nicht wusste das da ne Lizenz drauf ist wird nur eine Ausrede gewesen sein. Ihm wird es schlichtweg egal gewesen sein.

Und dagegen kann Makerworld nichts tun. Die Lizenzen durchzusetzen ist Aufgabe des Erstellers.

Gruss der Garfield

I also use Makerworld and have now also printed a part that I am trying to sell as a test. Don’t worry, the part is public domain.

But you can see on Makerworld under which licence it was published. And by clicking on the licence you can also see what it allows, so what more do you want, how should Makerworld prevent such thefts? It’s not Makerworld’s fault if people don’t care. The fact that the salesman said he didn’t know there was a licence on it will have been just an excuse. He simply won’t have cared.

And there’s nothing Makerworld can do about it. It is up to the creator to enforce the licences.

Greetings from Garfield

Translated with DeepL

Thank you for your post today. It got me thinking, So I used Google Lens on one of my models and found someone selling the model on Instagram…and got them to take it down. Had I not seen your post, it would never have occurred to me.

Happy printing.


I am not expecting them to protect me. I am expecting normal people to respect my license and trying to explain to someone that “you should expect your model to be stolen” is plain wrong and part of a bigger problem.

Problem that could be partially solved if people would not publicly say without any problem “you uploaded it to the public and you should expect it to be stolen. Deal with it!”

I’ll stop here. Some conversations lead no where and i know i can’t change the world alone, but more people like me would help changing it a bit. That i can assure you.

Have a great day :slightly_smiling_face:


to be honest , I don’t think makerworld can do much for most cases, I find the seller because he use my photo, but if he had it print out and retaken the picture, I’ll be the only one can tell those are my design

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Yep, in most cases there’s not much they can do. They could if they wanted and they even said they would for the exclusive models here. It’s not impossible for them, but also not easy to achieve, that’s why i said “it’s doable” :slightly_smiling_face:

We must be always on the look out. It’s becoming more and more common. Even more now that bambu released the kraken with these “you can print them all” ecosystem. Anyone can buy a printer and start making some bucks without thinking about it because “hey, the models are right there in the public so we can print and sell them”

Keep looking and check the other topic about etsy also. There is some valuable info there about registering your models so it becomes easier to report them.


It is if the models are being stolen from MakerWorld.

Even more so if the model is part of the Exclusive program as they include protection against such thefts.



ich möchte nicht das du mich falsch verstehst. Ich finde sollche Sachen auch zu kotzen. Aber Makerworld ist nicht in der Lage sowas zu verhindern. Die Lizenzen unter denen Modelle veröffentlich werden sind aus meiner Sicht gut ersichtlich. Wenn die Leute sie dennoch ignorieren Kann die Plattform auf der die Modelle veröfentlich werden nichts dagegen tun. Wie auch?

Gruss der Garfield

P.S. : ich haben auch schon einige Dinge erstellt aber genau aus solchen Gründen noch nicht veröffentlicht.

I don’t want you to misunderstand me. I also find such things disgusting. But Makerworld is not in a position to prevent such things. The licences under which models are published are clearly visible from my point of view. If people still ignore them, the platform on which the models are published can’t do anything about it. How could they?

Greetings from Garfield

P.S. : I have already created some things but have not yet published them for exactly these reasons.

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