0 models selected as featured

I was wondering why did i get 0 models featured this year if the website says that I have printed a lot and created over 100 models on the website as well as putting some new recent models exclusive… why is it that none of them ever been featured so far ? just wondering, thanks


There are 800k+ models in the platform so far. There are around 100-200 featured.

The odds are very low.

There are two types of featured models, only one is listed in the graphic you shared.

  • Featured, appears in the main part of the MakeWorkld system and would be noted in the graphic
  • In a featured category, appears in a category created by MW to showcase specific model types.

I have one main featured and three in featured categories.

I have 660+ models, exploring lots of model types. Many people explain how they helped their kids or students function during the day. We all have great stories about our models.

My graphic shows just one, not four.

To get featured, MW staff decide it hits certain qualities (I have no idea what they are), although some hints have been provided. Speed of takeup showcases something they are highlighting at the time, artwork makes it pop for the users.

There are a few, you can guess some names here that have more than one, but, those are less often.

There is always this year.


Just because you have 100 models doesn’t mean you will be selected for the featured model program. Also has nothing to do with how much you print. The guidelines for featured models include but are not limited to:

  • Originality: This model should be your original design. A remix is less likely to be considered.
  • Complexity: A model displaying an advanced level of complexity and sophistication is more likely to be selected.
  • Practicality : Some useful daily tools might have simpler designs and are easier to print. This does not mean you have a lower possibility of being featured. Elaborating on how it functions in the description will help your chances.

For full guidelines please view this page: Featured Model Guidelines

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MakerWorld recently posted about how they are mixing in contest entries into the featured banner rotation. I entered the Cozy Christmas contest, didn’t win, place, or show, but the model has gotten more exposure because it’s been in the banner rotation.

It’s a really good idea. If you participate in the contests it can help get your stuff out there. They pick the models to feature so entering stuff that doesn’t fit might even be counterproductive.

Added - forgot to mention - they say you can submit older models too by letting them know since contests require new stuff. Details in the post.


Cause those some meh stats son.

*no i don’t take this seriously.


It said I am my own favorite creator… I mean I am but how did it know??? :laughing:


lol as you pointed out I’m my own as well. I guess it assumes correctly.

Good lord, you printed for what amounts to 72 days continuously???

You need to buy lead screw grease at “diddy” levels!!


I need a filament sponser.
That’s one printer. Wonder what farms have?

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Be careful what you wish for, I am a filamentaholic.

When you start counting in hundreds, you know there is a problem.

More turns up tomorrow!


Wow… And I thought I was into 3D printing, these are my measly stats :rofl:

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Just to add, that doesn’t count the star destroyer or any of my models, as well as it doesn’t include any I’ve printed from other sites. The Star Destroyer took a week or so.

Well like Rossero said, your numbers put things in perspective… my stats are meh too son…

I expected more from you.

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I can’t even get one day in to 2025 without being told that?? lol…

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Is this your real number of hours or do you have more, because this only shows the amount of hours spend on Makerworld models and not total print hours.

Yeah, I think that’s why my numbers aren’t very high. My printers are going all the time but it’s mostly not Makerworld models. Also sometimes I’ll download the STL and print them from Bambu Studio, those probably don’t count either.

Exactly why I don’t put much stock in them.
It’s also counting those that you spend 20hrs printing for them to fail right before it’s done. Is that a print?

I have 2400 hours on my P1S. i figured less.

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They definitely don’t count. I always download the profile, open it up in BS and check everything before sending it to my printer, and apparently that’s not printing.


Anyone wanna buy an A1? Never been used, allegedly.


As if anyone cares about this anymore.

I have 5 printers currently, one has gone back due to the recall with over 1,000 hours of printing.

These are not the full picture of our printing history.

This part was weird though.