Every time I send a print job to my X1C, Bambu Studio shows A3 as the default for which reel it wants to select even though I have three additional reels loaded in the AMS. It allows me to select A1, A2, or A3 but it always defaults to position A3 which I then have to select a one if I want to use that particular filament reel. Any reason why it doesn’t see reel A1 as the default? I’m running the most updated firmware on my printer and AMS as well as Bambu Studio is up to date. I’ve reset all devices. I don’t think it used to do this. See attached picture. Also disregard printer is busy message as I was printing during taking this picture.
I have a feeling that it defaults to the last spool inserted but I haven’t taken the time to investigate it further.
Are A1 and A2 setup exactly the same as A3 or do they perhaps have tiny colour differences that mean that A3 is actually closer to the colour you have in whatever slot number you are using in the project file?
They are exactly the same. All three are Generic PLA with the color Black.
If this is the case this isn’t right and needs to be fixed. It should always default to A1 unless it’s empty and then the next slot that has filament. Please have this fixed.
You might get a bit more insight if you are ok to look at the log - on my Mac the logs are at. /Users/username/Library/Application Support/BambuStudio/log - If you are using windows I am sure a search will let you know the location.
The logs seem to end in log.0. - I took a copy of my last one for a time that I did a print, renamed the file to end in .log - and then searched for ‘distance’
if all of your black filaments show up with the same distance then they are exactly the same colour - in which case I would guess maybe BS goes for the last rather than first AMS slot.
If the distances are different, then I would suggest re-setting your BS colour slot (presumably 1) from the drop down list for AMS Slot A1 - to make sure it has exactly the right colour value - and not just black, and then retry and look at the log again - to see if the distance values reported have changed.
If they are all exactly the same why does it matter which one the AMS chooses? If it runs out of one it will move to the next one if you have auto refill enabled.
Are the plates colour coordinated ?
I find this will happen when they are
numder 3 reel in printing position 1*
In the slicer, when slicing, which coil is selected?
Here is some pictures showing issue…
Before Slice I select filament in Bambu Studio. I pick A2.
When I click Print Plate, I have to select A2 again as the default is A3.
See attached pictures.
There is not a direct relationship between the numbered slots in Bambu Studio and the Letter+Number AMS slots.
When you select print Bambu Studio looks at the colour of the filament and searches through the AMS slots to find the closest match.
If more than one match - as it looks like it is the case with your setup then it picks one of them.
I noticed with the A1 Mini charger filament type could also be the cause of the issue
pla basic pla matte ? in any slot are moved to a printing position in order of how they will be used
This is a bug or problem as I have just proved it. I only have two reels in my AMS… One in A3 and one in A4… When I click Print Plate it defaults to A3 no matter what I do… Then I remove all spools and put them back in but this time in A1 and A4… When I click Print Plate it still defaults to A3 no matter what I do…
BUG… Please fix.
Workflow should be if there is a spool in A1, then default to A1. If not spool in A1 but in A2 then default to A2. If not spool in A1 or A2, then default to A3. If not spool in A1, A2, A3, then default to A4.
This is a bug or problem as I have just proved it. I only have two reels in my AMS… One in A3 and one in A4… When I click Print Plate it defaults to A3 no matter what I do… Then I remove all spools and put them back in but this time in A1 and A4… When I click Print Plate it still defaults to A3 no matter what I do…
BUG… Please fix.
Workflow should be if there is a spool in A1, then default to A1. If not spool in A1 but in A2 then default to A2. If not spool in A1 or A2, then default to A3. If not spool in A1, A2, A3, then default to A4.
Sorry to hear you have a bug , did you try support ?
To clarify my comments here are two images one shows my ams load in bambu studio
1 pla basic silver
2 pla matte white
3 pla basic green
4 pla matte black
This second image is how bambu studio picks and places filaments that are to be used before the print job is sent to the printer
Sorry for the confusion but I think we’re talking two different printers here. The A1 I’m talking about is position one not the A1 printer. I don’t know if that makes a difference in my issue. All I know is that I have an X1C with an AMS and I have a spool in position one, position two, and position three is empty, and I have a spool in position four. Every time I send to print, bamboo studio comes up as a default of position three and I have to change it, this has to be a bug because it did not used to do this or I would’ve been complaining before now. Note that I have synced the AMS with Studio and rebooted everything. I’m also running the latest firmware on the AMS and printer and running the latest version of Studio.
I’ll open a ticket up with Bambu.
Can i suggest clearing your cache / temp files to see if this can clear it up first
its not the printer , and id assume its either firmware in ams , software bambu studio (beta ?) , cache,
Will do. And no am not running beta code.
I’m having the same trouble on all my X1C printers. I noticed a change somewhere around February of this year, where the default spool for two spools of the same color in the AMS went from A1 to A2. It’s a minor bug, but my workflow is that I use A1 and A2 for the same color filament and prefer to use up A1 first, then use A2. Now I have to manually select A1 every print.
Yesterday I noticed that my printer correctly defaulted to start out using the near empty spool rather than the full one - for the first time ever.
I also suspected as much until now. But they happened to be in A1 and A2, with A1 being the near empty and A2 was the last spool inserted. So either they silently fixed something in the firmware (I was on beta and AMS or it is totally random and this was simply the first time Murphy didn’t apply his powerful “If there’s a 50% chance it will end up right, it wont” rule.
No, not always. For spools with NFC, it should quite obviously be the spool with least filament left, regardless of anything else. Lacking such data, it should default to the spool that was least recently loaded (in case such data is ever available), with the rationale that the user likely didn’t waste a slot for backup until it’s getting close to actually be needed. Only if/when that also fails, I would agree with your logic.