AMS wrong Auto Refill Grouping

Hi everyone,

I’m having a bit of trouble with my BambuLab P1S with the AMS system, and I’m hoping someone can help me out. The AMS seems to be acting up as it never suggests the same type of filament for backups or replacements, as you can see in the three screenshots I’ve attached.

I’m wondering if this is something I might be doing wrong, or if there’s a setting somewhere that allows me to specify which filament should be used as a backup. Any insights would be greatly appreciated!

Bambu Lab P1s

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I am now having the same issue, auto refill is wanting to go to a different color instead of stopping and waiting for me to reload the same color

Any solution? I have 4 linked AMS’s and only use Bambu filament, Auto refill has worked flawlessly in the past but now is interchanging black and green (and only these two colours) when spools run out. Colours identify in handy app correctly but during the print it can’t seem to differentiate between these two colours.

Interesting… I was just searching for a solution after my black ran out and switched to green!

I remember reading something about a firmware issue and going back solved the problem, but I haven’t looked into it any further as this is the first time I’ve run out since the upgrade (and by chance I was printing spool clips where colour doesn’t matter (and it actually looks pretty funky with a green top :stuck_out_tongue: ).

Check out this post which talks about downgrading (although not the filament issues).

This seems to say you can check the order when starting a print, although I can’t check that since I’m printing at the moment :wink:

I’m having this issue as well now on the AMS Lite. Did this self-resolve or did you reach out to support?