Automation for A1 (3D print farm)

Automating 3D Printing with Plate Swapping

I’ve been working on an exciting mod for the BambuLab A1 that can automatically swap the build plate with a new one once a print is finished. The original goal was to automate the manufacturing process for my e-commerce store, where I sell 3D-printed products. However, I believe this could be useful for many of you as well.

Here’s what I’ve developed so far:

I’m also working on a desktop app that will act as a print queue. Here’s how it will work:

  • You upload your G-codes to the app.
  • After each print finishes, the system will automatically swap the plate and start the next print.

Additionally, I’m considering adding a feature for managing multiple printers, enabling you to create an almost fully automated 3D print farm.

I’d love to hear your thoughts.

Would this be something you’d be interested in?

What features would you like to see integrated?

If this project sounds interesting to you, I’ve created a website where you can sign up with your email. This way, I can keep you updated and let you know when it’s ready! Visit the website

P.S. This project is inspired by the Swapmod project, which offers a similar solution for the A1 Mini.


Neat! Are you going to sell it in the US?

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Just a heads up, you have your company name spelled “PintFlow” at least 4 places on your website.

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This looks very familiar :thinking:

Edit/ yeah this looks very much like @Dill development

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Thanks, bro! It should be corrected now

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Yes, my design is pretty much inspired by his design.

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What are the differences/improvements you’ve made to warrant creating a separate design?


Definitely, yes, but it will take a while. I’m still testing the hardware, and the app isn’t fully functional yet :slight_smile:


Do you have a video on YouTube so I can add it to my watch later queue?


It’s designed for the A1 (not the A1 Mini), so there are several changes


Aha, that makes sense! Perhaps a collaboration with him would make the most sense, rather than strictly being competitors. Not necessarily profit share and equal development or anything, but maybe some sort of partnership/idea sharing.


Yes, here is the YouTube video:

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I’m curious to see what unique solutions you’ll come up with besides the ones we already know from JobOx and Swapmod, so that you can legitimately call it “inspired”. Replacing a magnet with a spring doesn’t count, IMHO ^^


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Well, I admit that the word ‘key changes’ might fit better than ‘key improvements.’ However, from what I know, you’re not currently offering anything similar for the regular A1. To be honest, I’m not claiming to use anything particularly unique. I’ve simply taken existing ideas and used them to create a different product that would fit my needs and the needs of many other makers and people from the community.

By the way, if you’d be interested in collaborating with me, I’m open to it :slight_smile:


Jeez, give @Theodor a break. SwapMod creator has explicitly stated that they are not interested to bring A1 version available. So nobody should do it? That’s ridiculous.

If something is heavily inspired by other solutions, that’s pretty much business as usual?

If we are not allowed to design/tweak/build anything remotely similar than existing designs, what would be left for the tinkerer community? Not much…

I would understand the criticism if the design would be outright stolen pixel to pixel, but that’s not the case here as far as I see it.

Above said, keep on going @Theodor! You are actually bringing much more value with the whole app + print farm software than simple hardware mod :muscle:


Honestly, having a pint flow product next to my A1 would be a great idea.

Nice work, @Theodor. Can’t wait to watch this develop. I think having multiple options in this space would be nice. I’d love to be able to have a system that allows me to make multiple prints while I’m away at work.


Looks neat! Have you tried it with a large print on the plate? Because you tested it with an empty plate.


I signed up. Curious where this will go.


Yes, I did, and it works as well! The only problem that I’m encountering right now is that when the nozzle clumping detection feature is on, the build plate goes all the way to the front during the detection process, which results in the plate being removed during the print.

So, that’s the thing I’m working on right now.