Firmware upgrade path for P1P to P1S

There really should be a way for users to update their P1P to P1S firmware. I know it is the same basically but I have multiple P1 Series printers and my 2 P1P’s that have the upgrade kit annoy me a little in Bambu Studio as it always states the wrong printer is selected.

Not a huge issue but would just be nice since the upgrade kit is so good I feel this would complete the process


Ich habe auch das Problem


The only way for it to not give you that error is to add the machine code for the chamber fan and save it as a new printer, I think it mentions it the first time but then saves the G code to the printer so it doesn’t keep popping up.

Only problem I had with that is the P1P prints slower than the P1S because Bambu has the layer times longer on the P1P… only way to change that is to save the new layer times for every single filament you print with.

Needless to say I just said screw it and print using the P1S printer profile and hit ok with the error now.

Another crappy thing is in Maker World when you print via Bambu Handy it forces the P1P profile no matter what so you don’t get the faster speeds of the conversion to the P1S.


Yep, getting the following notification every time I send a print (LAN mode) to my upgraded P1P:

The printer type selected when generating g-code is not consistent with the currently selected printer. Is it recommended that you use the same printer type for slicing.

Just been hitting the Confirm option and letting it go. Hasn’t been a problem yet, but Bambu really should fix these P1P → P1S annoyances,


A lot more annoyed users in Github regarding this issue

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BambuLab Team

As an enthusiastic member of the 3D printing community and a dedicated user of BambuLab’s products, I’m reaching out to discuss a pressing issue that has been affecting a significant portion of your user base. Many of us have invested in the P1P printer and subsequently upgraded to the P1S using the official upgrade kit provided by BambuLab. Despite this, our printers are still identified as P1P models within the official software, which has led to operational discrepancies and a growing sense of dissatisfaction among your customers.

I would like to present a compelling case for BambuLab to release a software update that allows the system to correctly recognise the upgraded printers as P1S models. Here are key points for consideration:

  1. Customer Satisfaction: Recognisng the upgraded P1P printers as P1S in your official software will significantly enhance customer satisfaction. It shows a commitment to your users who not only have made the initial purchase but have also invested further in upgrading their units. This recognition of the upgrades will help foster a stronger community and encourage brand loyalty.

  2. Feature Utilization: The hardware improvements from the upgrade are substantial, and it’s important that the software fully unlocks their potential. Users are not able to take full advantage of the improvements made to their printers—if the software does not accurately reflect these changes, it effectively diminishes the value of the upgrade.

  3. Support and Updates: When the software recognises the P1S specifications, it simplifies support structures and ensures that future updates are applicable and optimised for the correct model. This makes the process streamlined both for users and for BambuLab’s technical support team, reducing the chances of incorrect troubleshooting and enhancing the overall user experience.

  4. Market Perception: The additive manufacturing community is tightly-knit and highly communicative. Addressing this issue proactively will not only appease current customers but also serve as a positive message to potential buyers about BambuLab’s dedication to post-purchase support and product improvement.

  5. Product Lifecycle Management: By allowing upgraded printers to be recognised correctly, BambuLab can critically track the usage and performance of the P1S model, including those units that have been upgraded from P1P. This data is invaluable for continuous product development and market analysis.

  6. Ethical Responsibility: There is an ethical component to this as well. Customers have officially upgraded their printers in good faith, relying on BambuLab’s upgrade path as a viable way to enhance their devices. Ensuring that the software reflects this change is the responsible course of action that aligns with transparent business practices.

  7. Financial Incentive: There is a financial incentive for BambuLab to support this upgrade recognition. Satisfied customers are more likely to recommend BambuLab products, generate repeat business, and purchase additional services or products in the future.

In conclusion, releasing a software update that enables the P1P to P1S upgrades to be fully recognised is a win-win strategy that benefits both BambuLab and its devoted user base. It would be greatly appreciated if BambuLab would consider this request seriously and act swiftly to resolve this ongoing issue.


Agree, paid for an upgrade but printer still not recognised as P1S


The need for a way to select printer identity (P1P or P1S) should be provided to all P1x owners for the sake of accommodating both those who have upgraded their P1Ps piecemeal and those who chose to get the kit.

Going further, it would be prudent to eliminate the existing parallel profile structures that exist, one for the P1P only, and the other for the X1C / P1S only. While having separate profile sets made sense when only the P1P and X1C existed, the P1S blurred the distinction between the two, with the P1S adopting the X1C profile set. Since the P1S is just a P1P with an enclosure and a handful of non-critical components, and since the P1S works just fine using the X1C profile set, I question the need to maintain a separate profile set for the P1P only. Consolidating the two profile sets into one single set would simplify both software development and customer profile maintenance. A true win-win for everyone involved.

Let’s face it: maintaining two sets of profiles is a pain in the rear. Not only do I have to maintain process and filament profiles for numerous configurations, but I also have to maintain an identical set of those profiles for the P1P, since the P1P can’t see X1C profiles, and the X1C/P1S can’t see the P1P profiles. Every modification must be made twice. It’s a pain. There’s no point anymore.

Any additional input? Have I missed something?


I’m also disappointed that there currently isn’t a method to have the printer report as a P1S after completing the upgrade. Somehow I expected the kit to come with instructions on how to accomplish this.

Sadly the current "upgrade" feels half baked.

yep, this needs to be fixed - another annoyance is, that if you have the P1P profile with custom gcode, to match the P1S, it won’t let you upload print profiles on Maker World anymore, because you can’t use modified gcode there

currently it is half baked


let’s bump this post until it gets resolved. i am very confused with all the profiles I have now. I have a X1C and a converted P1S and was hoping to use one profile setting only and also be able to send multi plate print jobs to the printer that is idle at the moment.


Well said! As an enthusiast and business owner I would really like to see more attention and support by bambu lab especially with how much the consumer has supported them.


Hello everyone. I would like to share my opinion as a german part of the community - but using the german language.

Das ehemalige P1P to P1S upgrade kit existiert auf dem Store nicht mehr als solches, der Name wurde auf „P1P Enclosure Kit“ geändert. Bei anderen Herstellern wird noch Wert auf ein Upgrade als solches gelegt, zumal Bambu Lab die Kits auch bezahlt bekommt, aber dann kann man auch ein richtiges Upgrade erwarten. Aber ich (und viele andere User auch) habe noch die ursprüngliche Mail mit der „Upgrade“ Bezeichnung.

Die Änderung des Namens und des Preises ist einfach dreist, vielleicht aber auch eine DJI Manier?

Christmas Discounts? Marketing ist um diese Zeit normal, aber der Ursprungspreis ist viel zu dreist. Von 276,87€ auf 166,00€ reduziert…

Es ist das ganze Paket, was einen schon irgendwo verärgern/enttäuschen kann, aber auf Kritik am Ganzen wird auch nicht eingegangen. Wenn das deren Art von Innovation ist, werde ich in Zukunft auf seriösere Hersteller umsteigen. Bambu Lab kann Prusa irgendwo anfechten, bei denen bekommt man aber das Upgrade, was man bezahlt.


I’d like to see a software upgrade path for it as well.

Regarding the name being changed to “P1P Enclosure Kit” I would argue that the new front cover that is included, does have P1S written on it. At least mine does. So I would still call it a half baked P1S upgrade.


I wonder what the hang up is? I would think it would be a simple firmware upgrade but maybe not.
I wonder if is something far more basic like our serial numbers being tied to the P1P’s we bought and maybe a real live person would have to edit a file somewhere to indicate the upgrade status. Or maybe it is a warranty concern.
I recently ordered " the enclosure kit" ( shipping by Dec.20th ) And sure would like it to show up as a P1S.

Why do you guys think this is taking so long to implement for us ?




So long would suggest they ever intended there to be a firmware upgrade path.

I think Bambu released the hardware upgrade and went let’s see what happens maybe no one will want the kit. I think with enough demand and enough people asking for it they will do it. They may increase resources towards the idea after they have finished the P1series latest beta which is fairly huge for me.


+1 on this. A way to update the firmware to report the printer as a P1S would be great, as i am using P1S Profile from now on.

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upgrade finished 2 months ago. would love to get it reorted as P1S to accomodate all the features.

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Looks like our voices were heard! Well done. And thanks to the Bambu team. A toggle to let the machine know that it has been upgraded has been implemented on version 01.05 (public beta).


Where is the toggle? Is it in handy? Or studio? I’m looking in handy now and can’t find it