How do I print with supports? (Resolved)

The default settings do the following.

  1. Tree of any kind breaks even with 3 or 4 loops. The break is always at the part where the circle that prints on the bed and the first layer of the tree part starts.

  2. When using standard supports it doesn’t actually print and stick to pars of the support.

  3. It seems as if with regular supports it is forgetting parts of the print. It starts the support for that part of the print but then doesn’t print the part on the support or the pla just doesn’t stick.

  4. The parts that manage to print have the support filament embedded into them making it impossible to remove.

  5. I am unable to use the default settings to print any support at all without having the above issues. The above issues happen with BL Support for PLA on default settings.

  6. If I use the PLA I’m printing with it will fail at random points in the print as the trees break or if using hybrid or standard it again breaks or supports fall over.

I have printed with supports using standard settings for a couple months now, as of last week i am unable to complete any print that uses supports and those that do complet have the supports built into the model.

I’d like to be able to print stuff that requires support so any advice on support settings would be helpful. I am so ok with not using the support filament as that seems to be the biggest issue I’m having but again, as of two last week even my free stuff from thingiverse can’t print with supports. I have always just used the default settings in the slicer but obviously that’s an issue now.

Everything on the printer and in the slicer are stock factory no mods. Settings again are strait from BL.

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Hello I_Anthony,

  • What built plate are you using ?
  • Bed temp ?
  • Glue ?
  • Nozzle temp ?
  • Filament brand ?
  • Are you using the support W as supports or just interface layers ?
  • The Z hop should be at 0.4 but double check in the printer settings.
  • What is your infill pattern grid or ?
  • Is the first layer look normal and printing ok ?
  • What Firmware version ?

The strange thing is what has change from the past :thinking:

Supports has many different ways they can be used and it takes practices to know what to look for and the best way to use them and with the Bambu Lab printing PLA hotter so it can print faster this makes it more challenging to keep the supports from bonding to your parts.

I change all the support setting all the time for the filament and the part or I add or remove supports as needed most of the time I use usm or pva interface layer between the supports and the part to get the best finish or sometimes the part might even have internal passages.

I will even will bump the support line width to 0.45 if they are weak on a test print for some filaments.

Just need to find you a working solution or what’s going on :crossed_fingers:

Ziro silk
Bambu Matte
Bambu Support for PLA.

Settings are stock.
Both using support material and printed material.

I have tried hybrid, tree, and regular support with octagon, grid, and line patterns.

What changed? I moved the printer and recalibrated it etc…

So far I’m am batting 100% failure on any print needing support. If the print succeeded because the supports didn’t fail, the supports are not removable because they are part of the model.

I just factory reset, and updated firmware and will do the same on the slicer.

I’m trying to print a dragon head but even a low Polly dog fails as the supports break or fall over.

I say supports and have tried both support materials and filament.

Will see if I can get anything printed tonight. I’m actually running out of filament for this print and will have to reorder the materials if I don’t get a successful print soon. The prints are failing at random points when ever support either stops printing specific supports or just falls over or breaks off.

It’s gotten to the point of ridiculousness and as I am not the most experienced printer, I have hard time believing going from one location to another would be the issue. Especially when the new location is more stable etc…

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Can you share your model and let some of us give it a go?

The software is changing all the time and it might be why you have problems now but just to be clear you can print a part without support and it will be ok, correct ?

Keep us updated and we can help you out :grinning:

Next step lets work on this model for testing and start changing your settings look in your preview screen so you can see what is changing. This is just some basic settings to get you going on setting up your tree supports correctly.

Good tree support setting no overhangs.

Bad Tree Support setting big overhangs.

Weak tree supports depending on what filament you are using if you select support base default or if you turn on the prime tower this will go away.

Bad Day Support Model
Support Test

I recommend you download the Orca slicer. It has more settings for support. This is what I’m using in the photos.

Go to the bottom of the page and pick your OS.


Your first photo is essentially what trying to run. I know they software and firmware are always changing.

That’s why I am not sure what changed. I’ll be reinstalling the slicer tonight. I’ve factory reset the printer and updated to current (as of 4/26) firmware already.

I will redo probably work on getting the print repainted tomorrow. Maybe start it this weekend.

Three weeks ago a print like this and I’d enable support, change the filament to support W, and print it. 4 days later I’d have a full color dragon head. Like I said, I hope to get back to being able to do that. The most frustrating thing about this. I did a mono color test print to make sure everything was supported etc… It printed flawlessly. I’d like the same results but in color lol.

Thanks all. Print is running now and is looking good. Checked all the settings as suggested above etc…

Now, other than the firmware and me resetting everything, I am not sure what changed, but, the entire support first layer is different along with the way supports are printing.

I really appreciate all the help. I learned a lot and the print has been running since last night with approximately 70 hours left. From what I can tell everything is looking great and if it’s going to fail it would have happened by now.

Unless something odd happens I’m calling this one resolved. Again, thank you everyone!


This is the print I was struggling with. Thanks all for the help. Turned out amazing.


Looks real good so happy your parts are working out now :grinning:

Thank you for showing us the print :+1:

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I’m having the exact same problem. When I slice without support the model is solid. When I add support the layers alternate. Meaning if there’s support, there’s no model. If there’s model, there’s no support.