How Happy are you? P1S X1C

Hi Everyone :slight_smile:

I was fdm Printing many Years (since 2015 with the fabbster and Abs) over an Ender 5 Plus and also Raise 3D in my Job.

I printet many Materials (Mostly ASA, and PETG) but also PLA HIPS TPU IGUS PA.

I stopped the Hobby because of time.
But now in wanna Go Back and was looking for a printer which doesnt need that much time. (Leveling, Filament Setup, Test prints clogging etc.) So i Run over Bambulab.

I think about Buying a P1S with AMS with hardened gears and a hardened.6 nozzle.

I would Like to Print ASA GF, Some Nylon and PETG 90% funktional parts.

Now comes the Question.

How good/easy is Printing with BL P1S (Or X1C) with AMS and BL Filament really? How good is 3rd Party Filament to use? (EXTRUDR? What Filament can you prefer?)

I have a Lot experience small Things are No Problem but iam sick of taking hours next to the printer, watch the 1st layer all the time Take Care of Software Like Klipper all the time and so on… :face_exhaling:

I want Something that Just Works! Where i can Trust. And where i can Print technical Materials Like PACF ASAGF ASA maybe some IGUS.

Would the BL P1S make me Happy?

What would you say? (People who used it many Times.)

Like i said 1 time Setup is No big Deal but after 1 or 2 hours IT should Just do His Job and give me nice and goodlooking parts :slight_smile: :vulcan_salute:

What do i have to know about? Is there you wished Somebody told you before you bought one?

I know there is many YouTube and so on. But Mist of them are Just Like “ohhhhh ITS crazy!!!” (And yes thats why iam landed Here but i need also information of really User :slight_smile:

Thanks a Lot :slight_smile:

Bambu Lab X1
Bambu Lab P1 Series
Bambu Filament and Accesories

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Hi Hank,

Thank you, but my question is, will the bambulab make me Happy with the list of Things in wanna do. The AMS is a fixed Thing i would Buy it anyways :wink:

This was also a traid were persons talk about what they love and what they hate:

I Prefair def. Extdruder Fillament

Well, the only thing how makes me happy is my wife :wink:

Only the X1C has spaghetti and first layer monitoring. You have to know for yourself whether you need it you need it or not. If I didn’t have it, it would annoy me. I don’t do without the display either.

Bambulab are all-rounders, there are individual printers that are better in their areas.

P1S or X1C Starting at 34`14``:

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I’m so happy with it I have to sit on my hands to keep from waving at everybody.


The P1S Combo was my first printer and I’m tickled poopless!

Someone else can chime in on the filaments you want to use.

I have recently bought the flashforge adventurer 5m Pro. Had I started on the flashforge, I wouldn’t have printed nearly as much as I have, and probably wouldn’t be nearly as excited about 3D printing as I am.

Here I am at work, I’m finding out that I can’t even download a 3mf file and have flashmaker send it to my printer.

In Bambu Handy app, it’s all right there!

Due to network security, I can’t use my personal laptop to connect to my FF, unless I want to hotspot through my phone.

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[quote=“Hank, post:4, topic:98959”] :wink:
Well, the only thing how makes me happy is my wife

Happy wifeb happy life :wink:

Yes iam also anvery big extrudr Fan! Espacially ASA what do you think about greentec? Used it 1 time in my Ender but was absolutely Not Happy with. Is the Bamboo fine?

So You would definetly spent the 500€ for the Display and the laser? (And 110° hardened stuff etc.)

Do whatever you think is right xD

That seems to be good

Thank you Guys so far for youre Feedback :slight_smile:

The AMS is a must have i think


Well, he’ll have to find out for himself.

I’m an extreme M5 fan, but if he wants to try new things then he has to take the Bambulab down grades to get its benefits. He also wants it as a hobby, the M5 is more of a workhorse that has some advantages in terms of accessibility and maintenance, but trying new things requires a little more time on the M5, which he may not be able to make up for the maintenance advantages. Likewise, sometimes the few extra millimeters on the pressure plate are necessary and if he only has one, he cannot switch to the other.

For ASA he also needs the M5 Pro and what if you only have a Flashfrog? I would spend more money and go for the X1C.

But he really needs to know that for himself. There is simply no single correct answer to it and have to live with the disadvantages…

Depends on how much 500USD is for you. If you have to save money on food or your wife can buy one less handbag, then no. If you buy one less pair of Gucci sunglasses, then yes… So if you want to treat yourself and can then yes…

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@Hank iam confused…

What do you mean with M5?
Like i said IT should Work.

You say M5 ist for Workshops or maybe Production?
So… That Sounds Like a a stable system.

1 time configure and then leave it.

How is the Support from 3rd Gear Like WORKING Filament profiles etc.?

Don’t get me wrong, I like my M5 pro. It does an excellent job printing. I have printed things I need my P1S larger bed for. The AMS is like cake and ice cream at the same time. If flashforge were to release something like that for the M5, I’d be in like Flynn.

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Nobody who needs to save Money for food should buy a 1000$ 3D printer xD 500 1000 1500 doenst Matter xDDD

A coworker has the X1C, generally keeps his lidar off, too many paused prints for spaghetti detection that isn’t actually there (or maybe the two have nothing in common?)

The X1C does have a much nicer control panel than the P1S.


Workhorse not Workshop - if you realy know what you want. Then you submit a printer (or even 3 or 4) that then permanently works on the one material (or even 3 or 4 if you have 3 or 4 printers) you want on the sice 220x220. If you change a lot you have to accept the accessibility of the X1C and that may be more likely to be the case for you.

But remember, only our women are perfect :wink: Where there is light there is always shadow… Support, commercial interest and so on - the sun at Bambulab already shines brighter than it is.

Until now i didnt know about the m5pro but IT Looks fine and much cheaper can you Tell me Something more about the differences between p1s and M5 pro? 220 is a bit small but BL was Not really bigger.

So they have nothing Like a AMS.

How stable ist IT for example If i configure ASA GF 1 time good. And do some PETG. Will ASA Work fine If i Switch Back? Can you compare IT with a BL. with BL Filament And AMS and also with a BL with AMS and 3rd Party Filament?

I have but and I work more with the M5 and the M5Pro Versions - but if I hade to buy one and want come in again as you would like, than I would get the X1C first (As long as I don’t have to save it from anything that hurts). The X1C is more the alrounder where you also can try new matirials - the M5 are the workhorses which works longer but they can`t handel everthing of the X1C.

But thats me, and I don`t know your case.


I was also corrected here and was wrong, Spaghetti monitoring is done via the camera and not the lidar :wink:

Well, actually iam Not Out i do IT in my job. I Just dont wanna spent much time anymore Like you Said other Materials (espacially Nylon and other technically engineer Materials) so the 5M Pro do ITS Job in a very good Quality and is easy to handle butbyou have to know what you do right?

The Bambu ist Like.

Her Go. Okay Boss…

Well thats nothing i would pay for… Got a cheap old Phone and ducttape If i really want IT xD

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Everything is right (except the boss), but at your own risk as all of us :wink:

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No i will hire a lawyer to search for you If my prints get wrong :rofl:

Joke aside.

How would you compare an Ender 3, an 5MPro and a P1S

Are the BL worth there Hype? Are they really so Plug and Play even with Advantaged Materials Like ASA PA IGUS TPU?

How much time is there to spent for each Type of Material (PETG, ASA, TPU,pa) compared im These 3 printers from nothing Just load the setting And ho to IT will never Work :slight_smile: