Multi plate automation for A1 mini

Seems great, looking forward for the crowdfunding launch!

That’s an amazing project! Can’t wait to see that done!

Hi Folks,

I want give a brief update. I found out that new A1 Mini batch slightly differs from the Minis produced previously. The heat-bed is slightly shifted in the Y axis (appr. 2mm) and the magnetic force of the heat-bed has become stronger. The differences are not dramatic but for the automation system it causes malfunctions anyway. I can solve it in two ways:

  1. In software (which is fast and easy) by adjusting an offset value for instance. But this will mean user will probably need preparing printing files for each machine (generation) separately which can end up in a huge mess.

  2. I can redesign some parts to make it adjustable. This is one extra step which needs to be done only once at the very beginning during the installation of the add-on.

So for obvious reasons I decided to go second way, which means another few weeks before going to beta tests. This is a throwback, but manageable.


This is such a great idea, I can hardly wait!
So, which platform will it eventually go on sale

Thanks, happy to read such feedback :slight_smile: It’s planed to launch a Kickstarter, but I need to fix some technical ditails first. :+1:

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can’t wait this is going to be so amazing


I have 2 A1 Minis and a stack of build plates waiting for it to release…

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I have 22 A1 printers…
eagerly awaiting your latest updates every day.
If you have any plans for A1, I would be grateful if you could share the approximate timeline.

For A1 look here: Multi plate automation for A1 mini - #42 by Dill

This thread is about the A1Mini

Thank you. of course, I have sent the message.
However, I have not received any updates yet… haha

I’m sorry, but I have absolutely no insights into A1 project and how it’s running. But if you wrote an email than you will be surely on the list and get notification once it’s launched.

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Published new video showing the use-case when each plate gets another color.

By the way, first batch of beta tests going well so far. :sweat_smile: :pray: Starting reaching out to press :postal_horn: and content creators :tv:


Can I pay money to be a beta tester :rofl:

I am also ready to buy! How do I get on the list?

Sorry, all beta slots are gone. :sweat_smile:
But we are on the finish line (hopefully) so you probably don’t have to wait that long. :wink:


Hi, do you have something like a mailing list for when you launch? Can send you via DM, probably forget to check so would like a notification when you launch on kickstarter.

Hi, sure drop your email via DM. I don’t have a mailing list, but I will notify you. :+1: Discord will probably come soon.

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Discord will be great. Because i want DM from you too :sweat_smile: :grinning:

Super Projekt kaufe sofort auch eins.

Can this be used without the AMS?