Multi plate automation for A1 mini

Pleas see her: Multi plate automation for A1 mini - #42 by Dill

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It seems to take almost 2 month for prepare this. And I can’t wait for this great design.I just want to know how long will it take until it release?Will it release in this month?

Against my former expectations it’s not likely it starts in August. I do my best, however not all depends on me personally. Hope on your patience and understanding.


Published a new demo video showing the use case with a very cool multi-part model which I recently found on Makerworld.


Amazing. Still waiting everyday for the release coming.


This really looks great. and watching the demo videos seems to work like a dream. Whats the latest on a release date ??

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Hello Dill, is there a way to have a print start automatically again either after a certain time or when the print job is 100% completed, e.g. as a gcode extension for the A1 mini? Thank you very much for your effort

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Good things take time.

We’ll wait for it!

I have said it before, I will say it again.

Launch when it IS ready not when others want it to be.

A great product where all the i’s are dotted and the t’s are crossed is far better than “give it to me now”.

You will lose far more if it doesn’t work as it should than the tiny number that thinks “I wanted it on xxx”, it is a great-looking solution, and everyone who shows a genuine interest will grab one.


Hi Heavy-Horse-Parts, please take a look at this post: Project to automatically remove parts from build plate - #85 by Dill

Just slice your plate, export it as a gcode and use the script to stitch multiple repeats of this gcode. But please note, you have to write your own “clearing gcode” and enter it in “Custom clearing gcode” field. This gcode will be executed after each print repeat.

Thank you very much I am waiting for your system

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Aurora Tech and CNC Kitchen would be my top youTubers to review your product.


Interested in a1 mini multi plate

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Have given a thumb up for sure already! Looking forward to hear the update!


Hey guys, on September 17th I will present the automation system at the Meet Bambu Lab European Team - in Cologne. It’s a free event, but the number of seats is limited. So if you are in Germany near Cologne and would like to see the system live in action before the release, please consider attending. :slight_smile:


Oh nice! I’m not far, Brussels Belgium, but unfortunately I already have other engagement for Tuesday.
I wish you the best for the event ^^

I’ve been too ill to leave my home for almost 5 years, let alone my country.

Don’t worry, I don’t expect you to come to my home to demonstrate it (I’m not saying you shouldn’t :wink:).

I’m hoping there will be a video stream or a video of the event after the fact.

You have a lot of people waiting with bated breath for this.

Well done for how you have shared progress through the development process.

Probably no stream, but @marsgizmo will probably share some video content from this event later on his social media channels.

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