
Same experience here. Edits in the global site will sync to the CN site after a short while.

On a side note, I saw I’m level 7 on CN site but 17 on the global site, with a portion of my models synced across, so I guess it’s a new start over there.

Exciting times.

Very similar experience. I’ve been at 17 out of 43 for days now. Selection seems random. I don’t see a pattern at all either to do with date or model type or download count. Some very recent models are there, some are not. Some old models are, but improved remixes aren’t.

I’ve been waiting/hoping, haha, trying to be patient. they got most of it synced for my stuff, but like it stopped before it got the print profile for that kit card, and nothing new. Little bummed, as I wanted my newer stuff on there! Guessing they’re just bogged down. Wasn’t sure if I should try sending them a message or not, or just wait. So far it’s ben the later, as it’s only been a few days.

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I’m just happy that one of my models has 1 print so far. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Guess I’m not as needy as others. :weary:

Suspicious Monkey GIF by MOODMAN


What does the level number mean? I’ve never figured that out.

Seems there is some fishy behaviour afoot. One of my models, which I believe to be one of the most downloaded on the CH Makerworld at this moment, is no longer found on the front page/trending/featured, even though its featured, and is one of the most downloaded…

It’s simple, it’s older than 7 days. That means it’s not included in trending anymore.


That explains it, appreciate that. I didn’t realise there was a timeframe basis for popularity.

The level number means you have achieved a number of things like:

  • Uploaded a model
  • Uploaded a profile
  • Printed something
  • Entered a contest
  • Rated something
  • Commented on a model
  • Entered some basic info about yourself
  • Searched/viewed models

At least that appeared to be my experience as my level kept going up to 30 which appears to be the highest.

What does the level mean is a different question.

Currently, nothing. Zero benefits except making others think your special.

I am different though, I really am special.

In just 4 days I have already moved from the incorrect level of 18 all the way to level 18.

In those same 4 days, the number of my models successfully moved to the new China site has gone from 16 out of 403 to the dizzy heights of 20 out of 404!

Just 95% of my catalogue to go!!!

There is no rhyme or reason behind the order either, I would have imagined newest or oldest being transferred first.

I have orphaned profiles transferred over that lack the model to go with them.

While MW is painstakingly working through the files, I thought I will offer some suggestions for features once the dust settles down.

  1. Let and require global site users log into the China site using the same global site login credential. No only this makes it convenient for users, but it also prevents scammers using the new site as another opportunity to create more alternative or fake accounts.
  2. Allow global site users to have the same editing capability to edit their models (title, description, tag, etc) on the new site. (But the edits will not be synced back to the global site.) Allow users the option to disable update sync so as to keep these edits on the new site even when some updates occured on the global site.
  3. Expand the sync options down to the individual model level. Right now there are only 3 choices: All, CC licensed models only, None. Users should be allowed to have more control down to the level of individual models.
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2 of my private models are showing in the Chinese site. How can I stop that?
And How I can manage my chinese page? Not just the sync

Why loads of models that I put on Private in the .com site are now showing as publicin the .cn one???

@MakerWorld Curious question, do we need to manage the GLB_ account or we need to sign up and connect to gain control of the content?

I cannot manage the chinese account, neither put in private the models that were private in the .com Makerworld site. Someone else is managing that for me?

BL have said the process is automatic. All your publicly eligible models will be transferred for you. You do not need to do anything.

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You said the right word…PUBLIC.
I am talking about what we put on private, unfortunately.

Private models are only for your benefit and will not be transferred to the Chinese site.

And of course, you don’t need to be logged to download