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Thanks. Much appreciated
Mein Bambu kam am 22. Selbiges bekanjtes Problem. Auch nach waschen noch nicht gut in der Haftung. Auch hier hat Aceton geholfen. Das nimmt die oberste Lack (oder was das ist) herunter. Danbach mehr als perferkte Haftung. Wirkt schätzungsweise ähnlich wie das schleifen, halt nur auf chemischer Basis.
That’s great to hear, I’m glad IPA worked for you as well😉
I had issues with my early p1p sticking to the build plate and i wound up going into bambu studio and changing the start height of the nozzle down .5 and had a lot fewer problems. I was occasionally still knocking things off the build plate though so i went to glue stick and now just use aquanet hairspray. Yeah i gotta clean the part but it doesnt come off the build plate until I take it off. Now I just do it with all our bambu printers and I have had no issues.
I was having terrible adhesion problems. The Vision Miner adhesive did the trick. Now I have a new and better solution, at least for the cool plate thus far.
I wanted to try something that wasn’t as messy as steel wool.
I cleaned the plate, went over the printing area with a gray 3M scotch-brite pad several times and cleaned it again. Since then I haven’t had to use any glue. I clean the plate with isopropyl alcohol after each use.
My P1S was new in December and has had the same exact experience with the gold PEI plate. The first few prints were perfect using Bambu and Hatchbox PLA. After that, prints would break free nearly every time. Cleaning the plate (dish soap) helps adhesion a bit but still nearly every print will break free with stock settings. In my case, raising bed temps to 60C, leaving the door and top closed and nearly always using a brim solves the problem. Still it’s an extra tinkering step I’d prefer to avoid.
After reading here, I’m eager to try the steel wool to see if that resolves the issue. Thanks for the tip.
Jullie moeten 3d Lac gebruiken ik spuit de plaat licht in met 3d Lac en na 10 x printen maak ik hem schoon met water en zeep en daarna weer licht inspuiten. De printen die ik maak zijn er bijna niet af te krijgen niet eerder dat de plaat is afgekoeld of eraf haal en hem licht. Werkt op alle platen.
Just a follow up. I did end up using the 000 steel wool on the Bambi pei plate and it made a world of difference. While this worked awesome I still don’t think the customer should have to do this and it should come ready to go from the factory.
I’m just chiming in as well! My P1S is new as of December, and for the first few weeks it printed flawlessly!
Then, I couldn’t get anything to stick on the gold PEI plate. Tried warm/hot water with dish soap, isopropyl alcohol, various bed temps, fan adjustments, everything. Saw this thread, ordered the 0000 steel wool.
It arrived today and I washed it again, put some IPA on and polished it with the steel wool. Hooray, I’m back to flawless prints again!
I do a “deep clean” on all print plates, for all printer, doesn’t matter which brand they are. It is always very helpfull. So its nothing special from Bambu.
Where did you change the “start height of the nozzle down .5”. Where is that setting located?
I know it sounds silly but taking soap and hot water. Use something like a scrub daddy and scrub the soap into the plate for a good five minutes let it rinse and dry overnight. Try again in the morning
I’m sure you have it working by now though.
in the machine settings you alter the gcode for the start height.
hi lucmiester i was having troubles just like yours and decided to do some research where i stumbled upon this forum which has proved to be greatly helpful. i ordered some 0000 steel wool which has not disapointed.
I have a lot of bed adhesion issues too. One thing that has helped before is ensuring the hot end is on straight - check from all angles, it can be pesky to keep it straight with the wires from the fan and all.
Your nozzle should stay straight and true once you tighten the two screws that hold it in place. There should not be any movement if installed right.
Justed wanted to give a thumbs up to this thread. And share that I had the exact same problems after buying my P1S. A week later print problems that presented the cause when doing custom calibration tests. So the print started to lift on some edges. I first tried the hair spray option I saw someone mention on YT after washing didn’t fix it completely. Which worked good. Didn’t really want to spray and wash my build plates if I didn’t have to though. Then came here to see what others had experienced.
I tried washing my plates with dawn dish soap and using a scotch-brite pad as mentioned. It has worked awesome so far on several prints. I imagine I’ll be cleaning them this way every few prints.
I had the same issue after using my P1s for about 3 weeks. All of a sudden it just would not print well and was warping and getting spagetti. I tried many things then finally what cured it for me was a good degreasing of the plate with just my bathroom pump soap wash and rinse the plate. I am serious this fixed all of it. So now I was the plate every 4-5 prints and It has been perfect everytime. Also I do bed leveling about the same as well. Not every print just every 3-5 prints. I also in between washes to try hard not to touch the center of the bed plate to avoid skin contact. Hope it helps.
2 posts were merged into an existing topic: PETG warping on a (new) P1S