Speculation about new printer announcements

Yeah I am also wondering. Its not different enough for some really fancy materials like PEEK, also the heatbed would not be up to these materials. I would also imagine it would be for higher flow PA printing. What worries me, is that it would also mean higher max temps if the heater fails in the on position.

At this point, we would be above the ignition temp for PLA. So the passive safety would be reduced for day to day prints.

I do not think it is that bad. The heat would not be any concerns, as long as we stay below 70°C. Also, from the pictures, it looks similar to the X1C, so I am not sure if they changed it.

The P1P is also the lower end model and will not have all the amenities of the top model. It’s just how it is.


Maybe a new material is also to be launched… jokes apart, it is clear that BL speed relies (not only) on printing at higher temperatures. Functional parts tend (not a rule) to benefit from adequate printing speeds and temperatures to ensure the filament layers bind, appealing surface quality, and maximise the print mechanical proprieties.
But a Taylor-made filament is achievable by BL.

Agree. However, ensuring temperatures below 70ºC in long prints may be challenging.
It depends on the external environment and needs to provide temperatures high enough to be advantageous. For me, 55ºC is already something straightforward to achieve.
I noticed that the pictures don’t show any changes, which surprised me when I read about the heated chamber. I thought the PSU would draw more power and be better placed elsewhere. But these are only assumptions…

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I would guess they would go with an AC powered heater, as for the bed? Why use the 24V supply, I mean its just a resistor. It doesnt care if you connect AC or DC:

That would unfortunately lower the chances about an upgrade kit.

Yeah, I agree. We will just have to see if and what they will release.

of course… I was not even thinking before writing, but the issue may be the same. I never verified how hot the relay gets, but SSR tends to dissipate a lot of heat. Is the one in the X1C different?

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and you may be correct (not sure about copoennt lfierime):

77C will make a difference.

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I think the most interesting thing would be to see how hot they allow the chamber to get and whether they made any other modifications to support that temperature. I think adding a heater is really easy, it’s the “I don’t know what I don’t know” about high chamber temperature that is the hard part (for me at least).

Hi 3dsurfr,

or may they already lost by plaing around with the A1 - a XL Printer with a Max Travel Speed of 1500mm/s is on its way. Stay focused and don’t put grass in your neighbor’s garden or you’ll get f**** by the next one.


I had seen it.
One interesting thing is the features presentation; most are based on many BL users’ complaints and requests.

I am not looking for a new printer but would like to see some accurate reviews of the printer’s performance.

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Whatever it looks sh1te

All the companies are fast now. Had nothing to do with bambu. They rode the same wave. Everybody should thank the voron and klipper teams.

@Yorkie9668 It works on mag-lev/frictionless rail system. Actual innovation. Actually new.

@JayZay I think some of those requests started when the voron was created.

No. It is not new in general. This is actually quite common in a lot of high speed application. Our Pick and Place machine, for example, uses the same kind of motor. That is 5 years old and for sure existed also in the previous version.
I have also seen posts for the duet from 5 years or so, where people were tinkering with it.

I think what was missing was the proper motion control systems. With the active vibration compensation build into mayor firmware, those systems became much more usable.

What I am mainly concerned is, the extrusion system. Heck, even my X1C can not keep up, with a 0.6mm nozzle. Sure, we can print at smaller layer heights while keeping the same, but I am doing mostly structural parts and using particle filled filaments. So the 0.6mm nozzle is required for good printing results, and thicker layer heights also help to make a stronger part.
And even at smaller nozzle sizes, cooling, mainly the minimum layer time, will become a problem. We already see it now with the current machines.

Sorry for not being clear. Megnetism isnt new. Mag lev in a consumer printer is. Also, the actual print speed will be limited by max flow but the advertised speed here, is travel speed. People once said 600mm p/s wouldnt be possible. It just required filament companies to adjust. Ive seen alot of sub 5 minute benchy times already also. Even with the old filament chemistry.

Maybe we will see a pellet or powder extruder make its way to the small form factor side of things. A 4 color pellet system could be the cmyk setup people want. If every pellet is consistant as the last, color blending could be efficient.

I agree that Voron and Klipper set up the basis for the nowadays tech…
But Bambu Lab also made a huge step… by making and integrating the technologies into a usable machine without the need to properly understand it.

I was referring to the larger printing area, open source and privacy. Voron already entails these features.

@christian.woznik is the extruder that bad?
At least in the paper looks good (to me).

@StreetSports, it seems that the chemistry mainly focuses on PLA; it may relate to market size.

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I mean they claim um to 60mm^3/s. That would actually be quite neat. Let us see once its out. I am so damn close to preordering it, but I really would like to see some reviews first.

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Peopoly is a good company but im sure theres a reason the only video showing it move, has no filament. Probably not ready yet.

They say it was damaged in shipping, if you refer to the 3D Printing Nerd video. But yeah, I also waited for Bambulab to be released before ordering. Rather pay a few hundred more and be safe.

Since you also speak Mandarin or at least can answer it i would like to answer that way: Of course you are right. However, It’s one thing to develop something. Something else to integrate it into a customer-ready product. Then to put the whole thing on the market, e.g. the EU is something completely different (and due to product liability not only on the Chinese export market. The stuff you get on the Chinese export market only can by trown straight into the trash, there is no way to get cheap money).

From that point of view, Bambulab is still the one and only.

Like JayZay, I won’t buy a printer - but time is money so if I need to unscrew or install something - I always have someone who waits and I’m not looking for more work… Reliable suppliers who don’t burden me with their work will be paid. The magnetic rail without straps, the accessible printer head are looking sexy to me. I’m really excited to see what I’ll find on YouTube in 1-2 years. And when it comes to my customers, only the best is good enough for me and suppliers who don’t deliver are gone faster than you can count on 3. Sorry, I’m Swiss, I don’t make any compromises when it comes to things like that.

@JayZay I strongly assume that the competitiors of Bambulab are reading very carefully almoste everthing in this forum, an office worker in China doesn’t cost much. 2-3 years and I have what I need, from whomever. Of course, the years of operation and how well you were looked after also count. From that point of view, every day counts :slight_smile: So it’s no wonder that all the problems that were solved were also addressed here.

100%. Competitors watch bambu while bambu watches prusa. Literally taking notes. Part of the reason Prusa blocked bambu.com

Success of Bambu Lab let us forget how crowdfunding campaigns can be a lottery.
When BL asked for money, there already existed prototypes that have been tested by relevant reviewers - for me it is especially Stefan from CNC kitchen, and even when he was impressed, but still was also suspicious and recomended to wait for review of regular units.

For Peopoly Magneto there are already sever red lights

  • So far it was not reviewed and even we didn’t see a fully working prototype and its results live
  • suspiciously big reward for early birds 1400$ vs 2000$
  • they are collecting money on their own platform, so there is no guarantee to get the money back.

They may go “fake it till you make it” strategy to collect money for further development. But still too big gamble. Early birds will very likely serve as beta testers.