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Is that the PETG Basic or the PETG HF?
Both will print better if dried thoroughly before printing.
The PETG Basic had hughe setting issues when it came out. Essentially, the defaults were way off. Key is to print it at less than 100mm/s.
I do not have as much experience with the HF. But again, I do not print that at more than 120mm/s.
Finally, you may want to clean your build plate thoroughly with dishwashing liquid and warm water. After applying glue stick, you can then take a moist/wet paper towel and use it to spread an even film across the plate. That will give great adhesion while allowing good part removal. May need to add water for PETG removal depending on part geometry.
This is PETG Basic.
Do you have a custom print profile that I can import into Bambu Lab Studio that is properly set up for PETG printing? Thank you.
I am afraid that I do not have a suitable profile ready. I usually look at a model, think about key items of importance and then adjust my settings to my past experiences.
With PETG Basic, I can however recommend to start with the “Generic PETG” settings, and then lower all printing speeds to below 100mm/s as well as cutting all accelerations to 25%. The reason for the latter is the fact that it takes the print head time/travel to reach these speeds. So for fine detail, speed limits do not translate unless acceleration is lowered too.
For Bambu PETG HF, I’d use the Bambu PETG HF settings and then lower the print speeds to below 120mm/s. It may be OK to go higher, but I do not have much experience (yet) with the HF.
Hi, I’m having issues with my P1P printer and I’m not sure what’s going on. I’ve been using this printer for over a year without problems. However, after updating the firmware yesterday (, I can no longer print properly.
Could you please take a look at these print errors? Is this over-extrusion, under-extrusion, or something else? For reference, I’m using Bambu PLA Basic with the standard settings.
Yep, that is fine. cant really see any settings to comment on, temps seems fine, maybe a little hot for the layers after first, smooth pei is fine at 60 after first layer and nozle also little too hot, but if this has bene working for you…
Maybe try a different nozle, you might have a partial clog.
I did a small test with my 0.2 nozzle, and the result looks perfect.
However, I wanted to ask about the infill—does it look okay? I’ve never really thought about such details before.
Have not been using 0.2mm nozle myself to comment anything on that.
Looks someh what separated, but i cant tell if that would be because nozle cant or does not want to push enough material there, comparing that to my 0.4mm rectilinear it does not look like that.
Maybe someone with exp on 0,2 can chime in here.
Had this start happening. First thought it was the filament, but dried it, and it did it again. Then tried a different print and it had the same issue.
It was too difficult for me to clean the nozzle, it’s a very hard task.
I used a new 0.4 hot end from Bambu spare parts.
The print looks very good now, thank you for your help!
buenas tengo una bambu lab a1 mini llevo 4 meses con ella y de repente se me atasco lo limpie y abri todo y no se adiere nada a la cama he limpiado la cama y lo mismo por favor si alguien pudiera echarme una mano estaria muy agradecido gracias de ante mano
At the back left, the print on this lid is uneven and unclean. I have a similar picture with the bottom part of the same size. Why do the layers at the top become so messy in just one corner?