I’m using an X1C with AMS, and I want to print the first layer different from the other layers. If I add a pause before the second layer, can I get the printer to unload the filament it was just printing so I can swap the spool?
In other words, does the unload option work during a pause?
If your model is not made up of distinct objects you can easily select and change their colour, and you can benefit from two different options to resolve your issue.
Each option requires you to add at least two filaments in the filament chooser in the prepare tab (top-left of the screen).
Change Filament NOT PAUSE
Use Bambu Studio (BS) to slice the model, move the layer marker down to the layer you wish to begin as the new colour, right-click that marker and select “Change Filament”, choose the other colour.
Your model will now print using the base colour until it reaches the layer with the change filament option, it will then swap to the second colour automatically for you.
You can add as many of these filament change options as you wish, a maximum of one per layer.
Layer Height Modifier
Right-click your model and select “Height range Modifier”.
In the prepare tab, swap from the global to objects sub-tab. Select your model and expand the tree view to see the child option.
Select “Layers”, and edit the from and to height to match the location in mm you require your new colour to occupy. If you wish it to start at 2mm and end at the height of the model, let’s say 10mm, enter 2mm & 10mm.
If you want to have more colours, select the plus button and enter more values, you can have as many of these as you need and they can overlap.
I am explaining how to use these to change the filament colour, but, they can be used to change almost all the settings available to the model, just, down to the slice.
Now you have at least one modifier, select the one you added under the Layer option within your model. Now you can change the colour by pressing the keys 1-9 to match your filament choice or by selecting the swatch and pressing the space bar to show the options.
Your AMS is your friend, let it do the work for you.
It just so happens that after the first layer is the idea point to swap one of the spools. But the spool that needs to be swapped is the one that the first layer is printed in.
can I get the printer to unload the filament it was just printing so I can swap the spool?
No, you can not do that, but you can swap to any other slot. The filament change gcode combines the unloading with the loading into one command.
I spent yesterday working through something similar, maybe this helps? (Note: the readme describes how to change the filament print order for other layers, the first layer has a separate section in the slicer).
Apologies, I missed the title, I only read the body and found no mention of it.
However, I have answered this many times on the forum and have uploaded many print profiles for other people’s models and several of my own that easily resolve this issue.
Take a look at this one with a full explanation, and examples, each of which also explains the situation.
You can open these in Bambbu Studio to see how the model works with the explanation.
It is very easy. You can swap out colours as often as you need as long as you only need a maximum of four per layer.