My prints keep getting knocked off of the bed and I can’t figure out why. I’ve searched and searched, but I can’t find a solution.
I tried the cool plate without glue, the cool plate with glue, the high temp plate without glue, and the high temp plate with glue. I cleaned the plate with microfiber and rubbing alcohol, and then with warm water, dish soap, and a microfiber cloth. No change.
I’ve read multiple people say that grid infill can cause this. So, I tried gyroid like everyone suggested. Same exact result. I don’t think that’s the issue, though. It started with this print:
It’s hard to see, but but the support in the back was knocked off.
In this one, the prime tower was knocked down:
The infill has nothing to do with the prime tower or support, as far as I know. So, this leads me to believe that it’s not the infill.
Here are some test prints that just keep failing:
These two seem to have failed at the same exact place. Which may be a clue, but maybe just a coincidence.
This one failed pretty early:
Does anyone have any ideas? I am so confused!