Y’all have obviously no idea. Quick Swap is possible today.
Just use more than one printer.
Y’all have obviously no idea. Quick Swap is possible today.
Just use more than one printer.
Cool. But I believe development of that was driven by the AMS system in an effort to make the Ankermake more competitive with the X1C. Neat idea with all of the filaments feeding into the head. Much less waste. But, holy cow the internals must be complex.
But until they make a Core XY or a huge format bed slinger, not interested.
Most likely. The ams was probably driven by the mmu too. Or one of the other multi material printers of the past. I dont mind bed slingers personally though. Unless doing a speed benchy, I run the bambus at about the same speed I would run an anker. Exciting times for us enthusiasts though.
Yes I kinda feel that way. Mine purchased 12/1/22and looking forward to the new releases. Replace my Ender 3 S1 Pro Sonic Pad with another x1? Probably and gift a beginner with the Ender.
I am trying to understand why there is a thought that the new printer components need to be suitable for the existing printers - I reread the posts, but I may be missing some details.
A small, silent, cheap and multicolour printer (what I understood from the leaks) seems to be for non-BL customers, i.e. just making it for everyone and not the ones already part of the team. I may be wrong, but this is what I understood.
The only concern is the customer support, which is still far from perfect, and if their campaign goes well, the number of newbies (not a critic) will dramatically increase.
I get the feeling that there are people that have “Fear of missing out” regarding this new release. If their current printer can’t have the latest and greatest features then they feel inadequate.
Thanks for the reply. I wasn’t aware of that. I can understand, as there is uncertainty in BL policy regarding printer upgradability. Only time will tell.
But I am trying to say that by reading the latest leak info (not the teasers), I don’t foresee the new printing features being better than the ones available today.
Agreed. That said I personally am not all that worried about following all the latest “leaks” as I don’t mind waiting several days to see the actual release.
Theres this crazy thing called buyers remorse. Its super common. Funny that some people act like its not a thing or that theyve never felt it. Anybody thats ever upgraded anything with an upgraded part, enjoys backwards compatability. Maybe its just the brand new people that have never upgraded anything. Must not have upgraded their p1p with p1s or x1c parts either because that would be hypocritical. Some people are also excited about the hobby and technology. Not just plastic parts. This is why we are excited to find out what the new shiny thing is. The enthusiasts that enjoy backwards compatability and upgrades…are the reason 3d printing made it this far. They are the people making these things.
Alot of the comments you guys speak of, came before the leaks or were made or by people that probably havnt kept up on the new info. Multiple people have explained why they feel the way they do. Not understanding that other people have different feeling or situations is…and most people didnt think it was a printer from the start.
When gm makes a new ls engine, the enthusiasts think about things like transmission mating and engine mount locations. The guy that doesnt know how to change his own oil, doesnt. Hes too worried about what the radio does now.
And also, we are all worried or excited about the 20th. Thats why we keep clicking on thess links. Otherwise you never would have seen these words.
Heres a quote thats been said by most “awwe man, this is just my luck. If I would have only waited 1 month”
I have both Ankers. Besides the V6 there isn’t much reason to switch. It was next to the best before Bambu. But my Ankers only do the cheap stuff and overflow. The M5 is gathering dust atm. 500mm/s so that it’ll look like an original Ender3… Constant maintenance is needed at that speed and that’s only with the most basic and optimized designs. The only benefit is the M5’s camera and it’s not enclosed. Though being a bed slinger that second bit makes it annoying.
You can and should just switch out the whole hotend as replacing the nozzle brakes the ultra thin screws. Though if you know the risk you can brake the nozzle free, remove the hotend and finish removing it warm. It can be done but once you break them for the first time you’ll rethink it…
The M5c is “nicer”, though no camera, smaller and has dumb sensors where they don’t need to be. I think that says enough.
Sure, got the money it’s a nice toy. But no real workhorse. Just a pony to supplement better printers.
Yeah. You always need to remove nozzles while warm. The bambu nozzles arent replacable either. its a heat break/nozzle assembly also.
What maintenance are you talking about? Like cleaning rods n whatnot? the bambus need it also. more often even. Bambu is #1(in this price range for a prebuilt non kit) but if everybody jumps on the fan boy bandwagon, bambu will be the only option left soon. Im american, so enjoy options.
I get that alot of prusa and anker design is old but so is the bambu design. Everything thats being done in this price range has already been done. Lidar is the one standout but alot of people stop usingbit right away because of the added time of startup.
I do. We still have Linux phones. You aren’t like the sheep, correct? You’d run a Linux phone right? The innovations from perfecting a mass market product allows for more advanced hobbyists devices. As a ham I can assure you these new SDRs are beneficial to the hobbyists and thinkers. I’d still be making one frequency radios if thanks started the way they were.
I agree. Not sure where i said technological advancements are bad. Sounds like you have buyers remorse with the anker stuff. I get it, but apparently others here dont. They would say be happy with what you have and definately dont try and keep it up to date with upgrades from the next gen. Throw it away and start fresh.
Imagine if when a new ham frequency came out, you couldnt retrofit older radios. Just had to throw all older radios away and buy a new one.
If the quick swap is automated - with maybe 3 or 4 spare hot ends being automatically hot swappable during prints that would be a real step forward - because it would eliminate a lot of the requirement for purging. A bit like they are try to achieve with the Swapper3d.
We are still ‘early adopters’. There are way more households that do not have a 3D printer next to those that do.
Most of us are persuaded that 3D printing is a concrete part of our future.
We are the visionaries, ahead of the curve, already seeing the next radical changes to our world: why buy something when we can make it, and better, tweak it to our own needs?
Vision comes with a price: The rate of change in 3D print technology is so fast that we are caught in a “Moore’s Law” scenario: everything is expensive (due to inefficiencies of small production runs) and everything is rapidly obsolescent.
I am still ecstatic with my X1C. Yes, it has its foibles, but it does what I need it to do - and will continue to do so for a couple of years at least.
By which time, I will look at the models available then, and not be concerned with what models I missed.
There was a clear path of upgrading from the P1P to P1S. What are you even talking about?
The X1 would still be a great printer even if there was a newer version you wouldn’t be able to upgrade to.
Don’t hold back a companies innovation by forcing them to always be backwards compatible.
I see youve read for 11 minutes total. Welcome. crazy odds that you came straight to this post and commented so fast…and then stopped reading right after.
Ive already responded to or agreed with everything youve said. the p1p to p1s upgrade was an afterthought and more rare than gold. The x1c is the best printer in this catahory. Nobody is trying to hold anybody back. If I thought innovation was bad, i wouldnt have given bambu the $4,600 ive given them… Ill also be buying whatever they make. BUT if they made the stuff i purchased so far non upgradable, it would not exactly be awesome for me. I have no idea how im wording this wrong. Youre not always going to enjoy other peoples feelings in life. I’m only here for conversation about 3d printing. I should have known to stay on reddit or facebook. Tough crowd around here.
I heard an article a few months ago that alot of the printer companies are going away from open source.
Yes, I have seen that. They owe me one from the Kickstarter campaign where I paid for it as an addon. I do not have it yet. Do you know anyone who does?
I did get my Anker M5, which was my 12th 3D printer and now it sits gathering dust while my two X1-Carbon units print merrily every day. After a while trying to make it print consistently well, is just a waste of filament and worse, of time. The P1P is the printer the M5 was supposed to be. And yes, I know the M5 has AI, except it does not, unless the acronym stands for Active Imagination, given how it is never right. Saying anyone would switch to that after trying an X1-Carbon is like threatening to get a disposable knife after trying a Benchmade.
I have tried different brands, including Anker and Bambu. Bambu is superior by a century. I hope they make a bigger X1-Carbon, I hope they continue innovating, but whatever they do, their next model is sure to continue the trend. If it is a multi-colour adapter, it will be a welcome upgrade for my ancient CR-10S Pro. The Palette is VERY finnicky.
When you buy your phones, cars, washing machines etc… How many of them allow you to upgrade after? You buy your product based on what it is at that time and if you want the next greatest thing you buy the next version. Companies that just provide upgrades to existing machines are lazy and not really innovating. To truly inovate you need to build a new product, any good designer will tell you that.
I have said many times before open source for hardware limits inovation. You only need to look at other manufacturers using open source to see that. Software is a different matter as this works in certain areas.
Personally I will avoid open source hardware and saying you can replace it vs closed is not 100% true. The majority of parts in all machines can be sourced if you know where to get them. BL is wanting to bring 3D to the masses so having machines that require upgrading / modifying doesn’t fit that vision.
Whatever they are going to release I am sure it will be another success, just wait to see what it is