RANT: BL failed to deliver my order and want evidence

This is a RANT, feel free to skip it.

Bambu Lab wants ME to produce evidence that a delivery they organised but never materialised. They have NOT been kind enough to share what this sort of evidence looks like.

How do I possibly prove a negative?

I ordered the following:

  • P1S with AMS
  • Second AMS
  • AMS Hub

The missing item is the AMS Hub.

The delivery company decided NOT to deliver to my house when I was home and have been unable to leave my home for 4+ years (disabled).

The delivery company decided NOT to deliver to any house near my house, like the neighbours on either side, they were also in all day (working from home).

The delivery company decided to deliver it to a house several homes away to a named person. This is despite the occupants not being in for days (they were away on holiday) and neither was the name the delivery company said they delivered to.

The delivery company has a policy that they provide a photo of the delivered item inside the house to prove delivery. Instead, a photo of a random house from across the street and down the road was the delivery company’s proof of delivery, no parcel insight.

Bambu Lab demands

BL wants me to prove I did not receive the parcel. How do I possibly do that?

If you have genuine suggestions or funny ones, feel free to share.

Keep in mind, that the delivery company will only deal with BL and U.K. law requires BL to make a successful delivery and until they do, they have not provided me with the item I purchased.

My order from two weeks ago was split into 3 parts, the AMS hub was the first.

  • AMS Hub - shipped, failed delivery last week, and I still do not have it.
  • P1S - due tomorrow
  • Second AMS - due next week

This is my latest response to BL support.

(Ignore any typos, I was in a full-on rant mode)

How do I possibly prove a negative?

What can I possibly give you that shows the parcel wasn’t delivered?

I already gave you a photo of EVERYTHING they provided.

  • I CAN’T take a photo of the missing parcel.
  • I CAN’T tell you where the parcel is as I never received it.
  • I HAVE told you I never received it.
  • I CAN tell you they never came to my house when I was in all day.
  • I CAN tell you I haven’t left my house for more than 4+ years unless it is for medical treatment, which stopped a year ago as I wait to die a painful death.
  • I CAN tell you that they ‘said they delivered it to a house some distance from mine and not any house near mine’.
  • I CAN tell you they didn’t try delivering to the house immediately next to mine whose occupants were in all day.
  • I CAN tell you they didn’t take a picture of the ‘delivered’ item in my house or any house as they promised to do as proof of delivery.
  • I CAN tell you that the occupants of number 63 where the parcel was supposedly delivered were not in when they delivered it to them.
  • I CAN tell you that there is no one called Jenny at number 63 where the parcel was supposedly delivered and who was not in when they delivered it to them.
  • YOU chose the delivery company, one of the worst in the U.K.
  • I had NO control over the delivery company’s choice.
  • YOU entered into a contract with the delivery company to deliver your product to me.
  • The delivery company will not provide me with any information as their contract is with YOU.
  • The delivery company told me to tell YOU that YOU have to speak with them as YOU have the contract with them and I do NOT.

YOUR argument as to why YOUR delivery partner didn’t deliver the product to the actual delivery address, and why they didn’t take a photo of the delivered item in the doorway of the delivery address is with YOUR delivery company.

HOW is it my fault that YOUR delivery partner failed to comply with their own rules and your contract?

WHAT EVIDENCE DO YOU SEEK THAT I COULD POSSIBLY PROVIDE? Even if there was a lawful obligation for me to do so? You can’t prove something didn’t happen!

As you are aware you are breaking U.K. law right now. It is YOUR lawful obligation to make sure the delivery is made and it is YOUR contract with YOUR delivery partner. It is YOUR obligation to make a successful delivery and until a successful delivery has been made, YOU have failed to provide the purchased item.

I am required to inform you it wasn’t delivered and you are required to work with the delivery company.

You speak of a ‘prerequisite’ despite there being no such thing in U.K. consumer law.

I have not been provided with the item I purchased from you and that means YOU have FAILED to provide me with the product you took money for.

YOU have to provide the missing item, even if it was the delivery company’s fault.

YOU are not allowed to delay providing me with the item I have paid for whilst you investigate with YOUR chosen delivery partner.

Give me the AMS hub I paid for!


Maybe a photo like this is what they require.


I laughed out loud, really loud when I scrolled down and seen this hand pointing out to nothing. I’d totally do this @MalcTheOracle


like @Spoon suggested, I also take a picture of my empty hand everytime aliexpress or amazon requires me to send them proof of not receiving something. Surprisingly it works more than it doesn’t, the proof requirement is more for items with problems rather than not arriving parcels

In your place I’d file a formal complaint with your UK consumer protection body, under the UK Consumer Protection Act of 1987 and the Consumer Rights Act of 2015. You may also rely on the UK Misrepresentation Act of 1967, the UK Consumer Contract Regulation of June 2014 (applies to all products/services purchased online).
Factually, according to the UK applicable laws (as cited above) in terms of delivery, "the retailer/seller is directly responsible for the purchased goods until these are in customer’s physical possession, in the possession of someone appointed by the customer to accept them, or delivered to the consumer’s nominated/designated safe place ".
See also the legal provisions for your rights in case of late deliveries.

Will definitely use this as well, although haven’t experienced a similar situation as described above, but it’s always good to be prepared for such situations. Love the obvious and clear message it delivers. :+1:

I understand your frustration. It’s definitely unfair that you’re being put in this situation. Here’s what you can do:

1. Gather Evidence You Can Provide:

  • Delivery company response: If you have any communication with the delivery company stating they delivered to the wrong address or didn’t deliver at all, include that.
  • Neighbor statements: If your neighbors were home and willing to confirm no delivery attempt, get written statements from them.
  • Police report (optional): Consider filing a police report for missing mail, especially if the delivery company claims it was delivered to someone who doesn’t exist.

2. Communicate Firmly with Bambu Lab:

  • Restate the problem: Clearly explain that you haven’t received the AMS Hub and the delivery company’s actions.
  • Highlight legal responsibility: Remind them that under UK consumer law, they are responsible for successful delivery, not you proving a negative.
  • Request resolution: Clearly state you want the missing item delivered as soon as possible and not a delay while they investigate.

3. Consider Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR):

If Bambu Lab remains unresponsive, explore ADR options. Citizens Advice https://www.citizensadvice.org.uk/ can guide you through the process.

Did that.

It would be difficult to get neighbours to provide statements about something they have no involvement in. It also puts them in a weird place.

The police don’t turn up to thefts with evidence, they are not going to turn up to a situation where there is no evidence of a crime, just a photo of a random house.

I did that, you can read it above.

I did that, you can read it above.

I did that, you can read it above.

This better be resolved before I have to go legal. The laws in this country are clear.

The picture with the empty hand is a blast :slight_smile: could have been mine.
best idea

All the evidence you need can be provided by the delivery company
i believe it then becomes an insurance issue

What do you think, is this the shot I should provide them?

This took a great deal of energy to achieve as I can barely move or balance and I am extremely photophobic.


Exactly, the insurance company provided a photo of a house near mine, not in a doorway, it didn’t include the package.

The delivery company, they chose and have the contract with and who refuse to speak with me as I do NOT have a contract with them!

The evidence the delivery company provided to show it was delivered.


Delivery instructions ? i never add any so they take it away and never leave it with a neighbour or safe place
Dpd, when they deliver to mine always take a photo of me in an open doorway that shows my house number ,

I didn’t provide ANY delivery instructions. I gave BL my address and they gave it to DPD. They managed to deliver here several times previously.

Each time DPD made a delivery before they took a photo with the package in the doorway.

If anyone here is from the U.K. you are likely aware that DPD are no longer the decent and thoughtful company they once were.

Now there are YouTube channels dedicated to showing how dangerous and appalling the drivers are. I watched one the other day where a DPD driver drove over a woman he JUST handed a package to, kept going, stopped, came back and looked at her, walked away, grabbed a parcel and delivered it across the road before driving off.

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I’d go for:

  1. contact your bank, explain situation and request them to recall the payment for the hub (including shipping costs);
  2. submit complaint with the national consumer protection body;
  3. begin preparing all available documents and proofs (email exchanges, phone records-if applicable-, etc) for potential legal action (as last step).
  4. clearly notify BL (in writing) of actions you’re launching against them. See if (and how) they respond. Keep these exchanges as further proof should you decide to launch litigation.
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Then Dpd will be shown to be in the wrong and bambu lab will have to start insurance claim against them .

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Yeah, I am doing those things. It is annoying that the victim has to deal with a problem I have no control over.

I am waiting for BL to respond to the rant response I provided them (as provided above) and the photo of my doorway before I do the bank thing.

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I’m guessing the delivery driver is looking at this AMS hub and thinking “What the hell is this, I can’t sell it, I don’t even know what it does!”


Blaming bambu lab for non delivery is nonsensical , once it leaves china and arrives with a courier, its down to the courier to deliver

Perfect picture !!! They should be happy with that !!!

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