Screen Upgrade For P1P / P1S?

Hi all,

First post here. I’ve followed Bambu Labs for several months and just about ready to take the plunge into 3D printing. I’m trying to decide between the X1C, P1S, or waiting (who knows how long?) for a larger format printer.

My query is whether the X1C screen can be fitted to the other 2 models of printer, to upgrade from the original screen supplied with the P1P or P1S?

Many thanks.


No the screen only works on the X1C, I bought the P1P 5 weeks ago, and sold it 3 weeks ago when my X1C with AMS arrived, I loved it hat much I decided to get the better model, you’ll find in time that you wish you’d got the better model too if you get the P1P or P1S, as many of the great features are only for the X1C.
But saying that, you will love whichever you do buy, most of us started with poor slow 3D Printers, so coming to a Bambu Labs was a real eye opener, good luck


Thanks Yorkie.

I do usually like to save and buy the best available. I’m also tempted to buy the P1S as a stop-gap until a larger format printer is available.

I hope BL release a black version of the X1C too (anodised or powder-coated metal).

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I went for the X1C because of the new firmware that was coming, it arrived yesterday, now if you are doing a few things on the build plate and one or more fail, the Lidar and camera tell you, and you can carry on printing and it stops printing the ones that have fallen, you don’t get these features on the P1p P1S.
Someone 2 days ago said that their P1S would get that feature, because his installed internal camera would detect the issue, no it is the pinhole camera in the actual toolhead along with the Lidar that sees these issues

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I took the plunge when the P1S came out. Love it. And I’ve been printing in ABS with no issues. (Although I did need to use brim and glue stick).
BTW when are they going to start a P1S forum

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Probably never since there isn’t a separate X1 and X1C forum. I think they just need to update the wording to the “Bambu Lab P1” series.

Maybe. But the firmware is different and orca/Bambu studio isn’t the same either. I’m not sure why either

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The firmware released today is for the “P1 series”. I guess they could be sending a different firmware file to each P1 model, but they are both on the same firmware version.

There’s only one version of Orca Slicer/Bambu Studio for all Bambu Lab printers.

There is a P1Touch display on Printables, which could be the next best option.
I have ordered the screen just now.
[P1Touch Corner Stand (P1S und P1P) by Lucyna Kushinada

I have a old smart cell phone mounted to the printer running on the Handy App does all and more of this mod. Do not see the use to add this P1Touch when it is doing the same as the Handy App and is still in the development stage. If it was a screen like the X1C and replaced the controller on the P1 then it may of been worthwhile considering. My 10 cents worth!

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Would love to see your setup. How would it cope with the enclosed high temperature?

From what I have researched the P series cannot have a dedicated touch screen.
The MC board is different on the P-Series than in the x series.

The P-Series doesn’t really need a touch screen anyway, Bambu handy and studio pretty much takes care of everything.

Also right in the printer the printer ter screen has everything. Temps etc.

No P1Touch display on pritables I could find just the phone mount.

Must be talking about this one.

Even better all the electronic details.

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This looks like a better design. Lets you keep everything as is with the added functionality.


Ya the flip up design over the stock screen is pretty nice.

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The x1c comes with all the nicer things, like the stock hardened steel extruder and hotend, which means it can print more filaments out of the box. The x1c also comes with a touchscreen and the side panels are aluminum as opposed to the plastic side panels on the p1s. The x1c does not have a better print quality though, the p1s is actually better, the x1c does print faster though, it prints benchy in 13 minutes while the p1s prints in 20.

I have to wonder, if Bambu labs can provide such a nice color touch screen on their lowest priced A1 mini. Why can’t they design one for P1P and P1S moving forward?
Like a P1P/P1S revision 2?
Or an upgrade for purchase for existing machines?

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That is true, but the price different is sometimes prohibitive. Honestly I do not know why they are still offering the P1P when the P1S can be just as good as the X1C even without all the AI features for half the price.

I do agree that the X1C with all the bells and whistles is a tremendous machine that comes with a hefty price tag. However, if budget is a constrain, one should not sweat on the P1S or P1P as there is only one winner here since the P1P with the upgrade kit costs more than the P1S.