[SOLVED] Bad quality when printing PETG

So I finished the print and it looks good, a little ghosting on Y axis but overall I’m satisfied. The fan was loud but the biggest problem was that the Prusament PETG spool is to wide and gets jammed during filament rewind so there is that lol,
Prusament Jet Black PETG, all closed in printer, high temp plate and BL adhesive

I’ll second that.

I’ll way vote in that poll!! Superstar. Wouldn’t want to cross country race him.

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You say: A moderate increase in speed for the 50%+ overhang speeds to 25mm/s removed most of the artifacts already.
Well in my Bambu Studio the default value for the range 50%, 75% is already 30mm/s. Only the value for the 75%,100% range is less with 10mm/s. I assume this the value you actually increased, right?
Of cause the term 50%+ covers both ranges but it is a bit puzzling when the default value for first range is already above the value you suggest.

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I could have sworn the speeds were 20mm/s and 10mm/s :slight_smile:

I meant these two settings here.

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Maybe T_guttata has informed Bambu Labs and they have already changed the default values and rolled them out via Bambu cloud?
0, 50, 30, 10 are currently the default values in all of my system presets and I never have changed any of these values.

Yes, for me as well. But it was late in the evening/night when I did the further testing, so I might as well just have been too tired and mixed up some values. But 30mm/s at least gave decent results for my prints.

If 30 mm/s was the default already bevor and you just mixed up some values, you would now use the same settings you had issues before. Makes no sense.

The setting for 75-100% overhang were at 10mm/s and that were the overhangs that actually caused the problem. It just did not make any sense to set the 50-75% overhang speeds to lower then the 75-100%.


I have informed bambulab that the case can be closed. They have access to the thread (I have inserted the link when I opened the ticket a few weeks ago).
So I think it makes sense that they have already updated the values…

Ok, so I was right with my initial assumption that you‘ve increased the 75%+ value to 30mm/s and not the 50%+ value.
I’d suggest you edit your nightly post where you advise to change the 50%+ value to prevent any irritation.

That doesn’t diminish the brilliance of your findings at all. Congratulations, I’m very impressed.
Looking forward what other 3D printing issues you will come up with a solution for. :wink:

Cannot edit it anymore, seems some timeout ran out.

Maybe @T_guttata can edit his initial post as he did after your findings. So he must still have the permission to make edits.
In his edit he also falsely recommends to increase the 50%+ value instead of the 75%+ value.

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I made no error, just cited correctly;-)
But I have corrected the value!

I just noticed the discussion about which overhang speed bins get what values, and I see that the image in Thrawn’s message shows a 0.16mm profile being used.

The stock 0.16mm profile has these overhang speeds: 60/30/10/10
The stock 0.20mm profile has these overhang speeds: 0/50/30/10

Which stock profile are you guys using for the best results and at what speeds?

From Thrawn’s message:


Great Thrawn ! this is like the end of the film

I will anyway quote myself :stuck_out_tongue: from this thread on February the 5th

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@Thrawn You saved my day…

I was printing the Hydra AMS, with PLA, and having king of the same issues, printed twice with default settings, had same issues, at the same layers, i only changed the “slow down for overhangs” setting, now it print like a charm :slight_smile:


Disabling “slow down for overhangs” and ramping the bridging speed this high ruins the real bridging for me (when I need to bridge more than a hole).
I tried tuning PA again and discovered that the best value was 2x of what I was using before (0.098 instead of 0.045). Setting that value seemed to have almost fixed the issue.

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You can download the ORCA SLicer which is 95% the same interface. There you will find calibarion for temperature, flow rate and many other stuff.


Reporting back: I finally did run across a print where the OP’s problem happened to me. I’m now extra glad I followed this long thread, because Thrawn’s solution fixed it instantly. :innocent:


Thanks for this feed. I followed your guys suggestions & ran a benchy to test.
Overall not bad… I think I need to speed up on the bridges a little but very solid settings.
57minutes with the preheat, auto-level & calibration cycles.