“The cat does not like it”
Responses are rare.
I still maintain that at least a detailed description should be mandatory and ideally a photo.
Blank, useless ratings that purport to suggest a problem do not help the honest user print successful and they do nothing to assist a designer finding a problem they have yet to experience.
I got a 1 star review with no addition information given recently. The person boosted me too previously on that object. It made me feel kind of bad. Like obviously they thought it was cool, but then had some sort of problem printing it. It was one of those objects with variations and the variation that got the 1 star is one of the harder to print ones too, so I’ve been worried about it. Not getting any feedback and just a 1 star kind of sucks. So it’s like well, do I need to adjust this, or is this just this person’s issue? I don’t know. That’s the only review on that print profile though, so.
Maybe I should have turned the brim on like I always do.
Kind of reminds me of Amazon ratings where they give it one star but then rave about it their review.
At my old job where I managed several different groups knew what this was.
It’s like a common cold, an ailment that once one person in the goup got it, it would spread like wildfire. Eventually it could even jump groups and the only cure was time and a cup of coffee, maybe an asprin.
I called it “The Dumb”.
I’ve been dealing with a 1 star this past week because someone didn’t like the object in the end. Even talking with them I got them to admit that it printed just fine with the profile and MW still is giving me the cold shoulder on removing it. If I had more rating on it I wouldn’t care but when it’s the 3rd rating given.
Yeah, I have a build plate tool that is for people with disabilities and hand difficulties, took a while to develop and has been very rewarding to work on, so I was pretty excited to put it up on here, and the #2 and #3 reviews above with such cryptic non-feedback really feels like a gut punch.
but luckily a few others have rated and boosted, so I calmed down and updated the response lol. I feel so ‘PR’ like, toning my ire down lol
is this a therapy session? lol what do i owe ya’ll?
I just boosted you.
I have hand tremors and things like this are beneficial to those with tremors.
My earlier brain injuries mean I can’t feel temperature, so this particular issue hasn’t been an problem for me.
It deserves rewarding though.
Aw, wow, gonna make me tear up here, thanks for the boost, I genuinely hope it can help, please let me know if you have any feedback, gripes, etc!
what the? this isn’t even about the print profile, the guy is trying to use this without the hygrometer installed and left a bad rating because… he wants to just be rude? how do I even respond to this?
There is nothing to answer. Just report it.
Similar kind of rating here.
For the context. It’s a little mod for the A1 series with 2 profiles/models:
- for the A1
- for the A1 mini (this model is wider and won’t fit on the A1)
Is this a bad joke?
People are strange, very strange!
I wonder if BBL can add - the first time ppl rate on bambu handy or studio, like a popup needs to come up or something explaining the purpose and etiquette.
LOL, I have a feeling that same guy got mad and posted this from a burner account, I reported it as well. It’s like… if you find an issue, I’m all for feedback and updating it - I’ve updated most of my models from user feedback, but this isn’t feedback this is trolling:
No one ever thinks it’s their fault. When multiple prints fail due to a bed needing a clean, no light bulb moment occurs and they think “maybe I should update those clearly unfair ratings I posted.”
I created my flat sheet/single layer calibration model so I could throw a link back at people and ask to see the printed sheet.
MW should ask to print your model if someone click on bed adhesion issue will rating a print profile ^^
I replaced all the ones I had with your version because of how much improved they are, especially in not popping apart and spilling desiccant everywhere… which happened to me a few times with the previous ones.
I’d press a hard D for doubt on that guy’s comments. Haha
Malc said it best.
I put brims on everything because of related issues. I get dinged by people about it, like 4.5 stars instead of 5 stars, but that’s better than the ones with dirty beds giving me 1 star.
That’s kind of the trouble with the rating system at times. There’s skill involved and often time people don’t want to accept, or realize, it’s the fault with their skill, not the print profile.
In theory, it was a great idea. I had adhesion problems on this with my Bambu P1S that I have not had or continue to have. It knocked it around the plate. Not sure if it’s needs to be slower.
I think the error in grammar in the middle means, this is the first time he has experienced a bed adhesion issue and since just printing this, it hasn’t happened again. Erm, how many models did you knock out between when you printed this and rating it? I am guessing none.
It seems his bed adhesion issue is the fault of my model, specifically one of my popular Gyros/Spinners, models that have been printed over 10,000 times successfully work “right off the bed” (a quote often received).
Never mind that more models will fail after mine did and he will finally work out he needs to clean the build-plate and then think “I better go back and correct those misleading ratings.” Which will not happen.
I left a link for my flat-sheet/single-layer calibration model, I assume he is smart enough to think “I don’t need that!” as they often are.