The woes or printer profile ratings

Reviving this thread for this one:

I didn’t know that I designed an anime hueforge, but ok :joy:

We kinda need a new reporting option. “Irrelevant photo” - It could leave the review there, and just remove the photo and deduct the extra points they got for uploading a photo


Is it though? Or are they just giving you anime eyes? :pleading_face: I think they like more than just the print. :wink:


No, they are definitely farming points. Just lazy to upload a random photo just for a few points…

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But why do it? In order to rate profile, the item had to be printed, what’s so hard in taking a single photo of the printed item?

Or… Is there a possibility they altered profile so much, the actual print is garbage that printed quickly enough that allowed to rate the profile and so relevant photo is impossible?

Also - point farming that way is the dumbest possible way to do it: the points for ratings are hard capped at 50 per month. If ya want them, just print something useful and rate it! I can’t understand this way of farming points…


Yep. Just lazy and wanted more points.

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I finally had this happen to me. Someone decided to print the ‘small’ version of a watering can I made, and then rated it 2/5 because it was small. I’ll never understand it…

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Yeah, report that one. That’s so dumb. Next one posted here is gonna be like

bad color



I’m glad I haven’t got weird/bad ratings yet… Worst one I had was from most likely beginner user that had their first experience with multi-color print and was surprised that the printer had created “completely separate shape next to the actual one”. I’ll be honest - my first experience with prime tower was also surprising, but those things can be useful too :wink:

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J’ai vu que certaines personnes se “plaignent” que d’autres ne mettent que 3 étoiles alors qu’ils disent qu’ils sont très content de leur impression. Cela met arrivé 2 fois, impossible de mettre 4 ou 5 étoiles mais d’en mettre 1, 2 ou c’est possible. J’ai ce message qui s’affiche : “Pour obtenir une note de 4 à 5 étoiles, il faut au moins une impression réussie de ce profil d’impression”. Dans mon historique, les 2 impressions que j’ai faites sont bien marquées comme réussies mais lorsque je veux attribuer une note de 5 étoiles, c’est impossible et ce message revient. Par contre, j’ai mis des boosts et là pas de problèmes. Quelqu’un pourrait me dire pourquoi ceci et comment remédier à ce problème ? De plus, un designer m’a créé un profil personnel, et je n’ai pas pu lui mettre 5 étoiles, heureusement j’ai pu le booster pour lui prouver ma bonne foi. A savoir qu’à chaque impression que je réalise, je note et mets des photos de mes impressions. Je vous remercie d’avance de m’aider

Here’s another great one.

:star: :star: :star: () ()
Strength Issue: Printed in PETG and it’s not structurally sound because the walls are hollow instead of being accent

The model that they printed

Yes. A pencil cup. The darn thing isn’t structurally sound.

It is wobbling right in front of my eyes!

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The frequency of ratings such as this seems to have increased noticeably over the past couple of weeks…


I’m looking forward to finding out why 2mm thick walls on a poop bin are “too thin”, although I don’t have high hopes of receiving a reply.


Maybe they don’t understand it’s for the printer and they are trying to sit on it? :grin:


I noticed this too, and I think these are the main reasons:
1.) Due to the current sale, more non-experienced people are using a 3D printer.
2.) Bambulab allows to change the settings of a downloaded print profile and still rate the profile. So you never know if the user really used your predefined settings.


i had one 3 star the other day because of “stringing” 250+ other people gave 4-5 stars. I guess we need to go tune their filaments for them also

I had one rating that said “Didn’t like the colour”

So as well as tuning the filament, we should also choose the type and colour :grin:


I just got a three star “Decent” review. Looking forward to hearing more. :roll_eyes: Meanwhile the profile leeches have perfect 5 star ratings. Ugh.


Welp… I guess I jinxed it…

The original says “Lässt sich nicht sraten”. I assume “starten” so “cannot start”… That’s certainly not a profile issue.

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That figures. Well congrats on your first, and no doubt there’s many more to come!

Anyone know how to add a hotbed cleaning gcode to their profiles