The woes or printer profile ratings

Well, according to my 1-star and yours it seems like we’d need bed cleaning and nozzle-unclogging and possibly “perform printer maintenance because user haven’t done it since unpacking”


From ten minutes ago:

“Print Profile
0.12mm layer, 2 walls, 15% infill - x12
Other Issues:Just isn’t working well for what I wanted.”


these users are trying to find a way to exploit the report system approval rate, they give a low rating and some comment and never post a photo or reply to creator comment to explain the issue.

i had it couple of times and i made my research and found out that the one who made the comment was trying to lower my rating because they either envy my work or/and wants to make my design less appealing for winning a contest (in cases such as if the model was in contest).

but no worries, just hit report and moderators will approve only if it really didn’t make sense or no reply back from the user.


And according to @Jimbobble’s reviews it also needs to check the color will look good.




I also looked at other threads (and weird ratings) and it seems that the profile needs to account for user changing every damn setting, scalling the model, printing from wrong material, wrong colour(s), clean the bed, nozzle, perform maintenance and leave room for 1 additional star for absolutely stunning impossible print…

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Hm, maybe that’s called a boost :exploding_head:





I bet “stud” reserves boost for literal acts of God (also known as miracles)


I’ll give you that 5th star when your print profile can make my printer make me coffee in the morning.

I have a cup for coffee and it’s empty. So. Better get crackin’

I like my coffee a very specific way too, but I’m not going to tell you what that is, although I will judge you harshly if you aren’t able to achieve it.


I’m not the designing wiz, that’s your job :wink:

You seem like my wife…

I liked it :sweat_smile:


I’m off to give all of Studulike’s models a 5 star rating, because every single one of them is a genuine impossible print :grin:


I’ve one of those too!
Everyone was able to print it, I believe without any issues…but this guy made a comment 6 months ago with an issue, and today the same thing…same guy

In his defense I’m seeing people complaining about this issue, nozzle parking randomly and purging…Might be a bug from the cloud slicing when you send to print from the mobile app…or is when you print from the AMS, and doesn’t like the spool you are printing with and the sensor feels more resistance and tries to calibrate flow dynamics while printing?

But people never include themselves as a part of the problem…always the other person!

I have this happen when I print with Sunlu’s new blue spools, I added these and it stopped: Sunlu Reusable Spool AMS Adapter by Matt_WRS - MakerWorld

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Nice looking reusable spools.

Why can’t BL do that?

I like having a clue how much is left on the spool.

This will be true even after the next AMS launches, which will have my often-requested scale built in. The scale feeds back to the slicer, informing you if sufficient filament is left to complete the print before a replacement is required.

Another troll…

This is just “I dont have a clue of what I’m doing, but I just know is not my fault, it’s yours”.

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advice to myself that I’m giving to you: take a breath - don’t let it look like you’re the drama, kill em with kindness, show earnestness and - so far this has usually helped to get whoever reviews reports on the designer’s side. but when I’ve popped off on the user, those are more often denied. anecdotal I know, I just hate that these people get our goats like this.


They even suggested it was you printing it, nice!

The idea of rating a print profile forever is confusing to me.

Logic would hold that one or even three per printer would be sufficient to say “Yes, this works.”

After that, if it doesn’t print, I am not sure how it is the fault of the print profile creator.

There are far too many reasons why a print profile will fail through no fault of the profile creator.

I’m good with that…and relaxed, i dont realy care…
I always try to help, no response from them…report and that’s it!

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