User experience with Support and Product: totally different quality!

I’m truly frustrated and I know I am not alone.
End of Novembrer I ordered a X1C and some filament and accessories. While the printer has been received in time and works perfectly, more than 160€ worth of additional material never arrived.
The box supposedly containing it was almost empty.
Here the story so others are warned before purchasing on the site:

  1. I immediately opened a ticket on Support system and nothing happened.
  2. After a few days I reopened a ticket and Support people answered immediately that they were closing for duplicate. I’m in IT, 99% this was automatic.
  3. A few more days and no answer, I open a PayPal contestation.
  4. Guess what? a few days and on Dec. 19 Bambulab answers apologizing on time elapsed and asking for more info on the missing items, maybe a picture of what I’ve received. Immeditaly answered with pics even if they were in the ticket they cancelled.
  5. On Dec. 23 I ask for info, the only answer on 24th and all I get is that “we know about this since Dec 19, give us a couple of days…:”
  6. PayPal automatically closed my contestation on Jan 1 as supposedly the vendor was going to solve the issue. My fault trusting Bambulab.
  7. Today I reopened another PayPal contestation and I’m starting my campaign to give the largest possible visibility to this story.

It’s definitely not smart to sell an apparently underpriced printer and then loose your potential recurring customers after a 1500 EURO sale for a 160 EUR litigation. Crazyyyy!!!


If more people would do this rather than just be sheeple, companies would not get away with it. Stand your ground my friend and let us know your progress.



I agree 100%. I have bought multiple printers and filament in the past, but what is occurring right now with this “shipping delay” is going to cost Bambu Labs a lot of hard earned credibility. I just sent my ultimatum email demanding my order from 14 days ago (which still shows label printed, but package not received) or I begin charge-back through my bank. I understand delays, but taking my money and marking an order fulfilled, while it sits somewhere else, is shady business at best.

At this point I don’t see myself buying anything but hardware from Bambu for a long while. This is really a shame because this companies bread and butter would have been the consumable resource market.

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Welcome to the community.

It’s obvious that either Bambu does not care or they don’t pay attention to this forum or both.

For those of us who’ve been participating in the community, it has been for mutual support in getting help where Bambu has consistently fallen down.

What if I told you that as I come upon my second anniversary of owning my P1P, Bambu has never had their act together regarding filament?

I mean, seriously, this is filament, not the cure for cancer. There is no shortage of filament on Amazon, Ali Express, TEMU and for the love of pete, even EBAY. So why does Bambu struggle so much with fulfillment 101? How is it possible to be stocked-out of Black or White PLA for Chrisakes???

There is only one answer that fits the facts. Bambu is squeezing their supply chain and customers for maximizing profit over customer service.

But there is a bright side to this story

In my case, when I got my P1P in 2023, one had to print your own enclosure because the P1S was not yet released. Bambu was stocked out of Black PLA for weeks which forced me onto the Amazon marketplace. And guess what? I learned that life did not end with 3rd party filaments.:astonished: For weeks after receiving my new printer I was forced to survive on third party filaments!!! Thanks to Bambu

After using 3rd part products, what I also learned was that Bambu’s filaments are overpriced by as much as 40-60% and perform under par compared to other filament makers. In a way, Bambu did me a favor because I probably would not have strayed outside their ecosystem had they not choked their supply chain.

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You are right, filament can be solved.
But it is stupid anyway as the Average Joe consumer can throw a bambu spool and print 99,99% cases. And tbh that is so simple that can get even a less noob like me (i3 clone printer in 2014 from, anyone?)

But what about replacement parts?
Would you buy another 1200€ machine without guarantee that the supply chain for replacements is still here in a couple of years from now?
Spare hotends and print plates? Maybe their glue that is tested with their plates? they can be found all after market.
But what about more critical components like electronics?
Companies do need to understand that this behaviour creates a serious trust problem.

This is a really important point you make.

A wise man once said: “Trust is a lot like virginity, easy to lose but very hard to get back.

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Jan 7 update: Bambulab says they shipped replacement material.
This is truly a way to solve an issue.
Will keep you posted!

Happy end for this story!
In the past days I’ve received 3 packages with all the relevant missing items, except a bit (a lamp kit) which should be on its way.
Still a bit of confusion on shipping & tracking codes, but Bambulab seems solved it.

So not impossible? There is still hope for me!
I am not talking about trust.

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stay strong, keep pushing on support
luckly enough I paid with PayPal so immediately opened an issue on them as well… this helped a lot in my opinion