Very strange but predictable layer shift

Not sure how well the pictures illustrate the issue but essentially what seems to be happening is every time the printer finishes a solid layer it moves out by a tiny fraction in all directions then continues happily until the next solid layer when it does it again.

I’m thinking more a slicer issue? Ive only had the printer a week and Ive only just noticed this on taller prints so I cant be sure.

If I’m understanding your issue correctly it’s not a slicer issue. What is happening is that the large top layer is printed and this large piece of plastic contracts as it cools. When the smaller section is printed on top of this it prints where the model “should” be and thus you get a small step.

The weird thing though is all the layers below the solid layer are in line with the solid layer the shift only takes place after the solid layer.

Not sure if its clear from my op or the pics but the shift is one layer OUT after the solid layer its almost like it just adds a wall after the solid layer.

It does this on all 4 sides by the same riny amount.

Seems from further googling to be related to this

Just that on mine it seems to continue afterwards lol

This question comes up often here.

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Would more walls help or increasing infill % help any? I’ve tried outer walls first and change infill type but I’m willing to try anything.

Apologies for not finding the other threads I wasn’t sure what to call it so I was probably searching the wrong keywords.

It’s tough to search as most often people wrongly assume it’s a layer shift…

I’m not sure what material you are printing with but a higher chamber temp helps the part shrink less… The problem is that filament like PLA doesn’t do well with higher chamber temps. You can try setting the walls to print last. In theory the top layer will shrink and pull in but the walls should be printed once this has already occurred and the difference will be inside the part instead of outside.

Sorry I should have mentioned this particular part is ABS

ABS benefits greatly from higher chamber temps.

Set the bed to 100/120C (depending on your supply voltage), turn on the AUX fan and home the machine so the bed comes to the top. Let it set for 15-20 minutes before printing. You should see a chamber temp of 50-60C when you start your print. Keep the door closed at all costs.

I appreciate all the help - thanks so much I haven’t been presoaking the enclosure so you could well be right. I will let you know how it goes I am sure all your advice will sort it though I have faith.

Thanks for being gentle with a noob was expecting to be roasted for asking haha

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