Warped bed :( seems like a common QC issue

I’d be happy to do anything it takes to temporarily fix a tool I need to use – assuming I wanted to keep it instead of returning it for a different product. As for price, I wouldn’t expect any printer to come with an unusable bed (no matter the price).


Post it notes and /or painters tape is usually my go-to for fixing flatness. If you really want to go all out you can fine tune with scotch tape as it’s thinner but I never found that it made a big difference… You usually don’t have to be super super accurate. The rigidity of the build plate can help you. Just go and “patch” the lowest spots. Put on the build plate and evaluate the flatness with a reference straight edge (best is a 300mm steel caliper, but other options I like are rails of linear rails. Good rulers will work but you have to hold them which makes it harder to shine a light to find the lowest spots.

I did not say that you bought the wrong product… Don’t put words in my mouth.
I really have no idea if other printers have flatter beds, anyway. For all I know, this might be as good as it gets.

I’m saying the bed is larger than the 256x256mm print area and measurements with a longer straightedge, which include the edges of the bed, are exaggerating the concavity. The variance when measured across only the print area (where it actually matters) will likely be less than when measured across the entire bed.

If you are printing multiple objects at once, only the amount of warp under a single object is significant.

I’m not denying that some beds are warped, and I agree that Bambu should provide better quality control and flatter beds.

Have you contacted Bambu for their take on the condition of the bed?

Where are you getting that ?? My bed is almost 256mm and and it has filet on the corners so it’s not even a 256mm square. Just put a 256mm wide cube in the slicer and see it for yourself.

I have the same issue. Besides numerous logfiles I sent images and even a video of the moving leadscrews to the support team. but ultimately they only looked at the logs and said that there is no issue.

Gave up in the end.
It kind of feels weird to say, but for the money its still a great printer and it probably does not matter that much in reality anyways. Its just a 3d printer made mostly from injection molded parts so don’t expect too much I guess. At least I stopped doing so.

If you want to measure the errors manually you can using a straightedge and feeler gauges to measure the gap between the straightedge and the bed. With other firmwares you can do this using the leveling probe and display the results as Rovster shows above. However with other systems this info is just ‘nice to know’ really and if it passes the test the errors are immaterial really.

Same here. The flatness of the bed IS the most important thing in a 3D printer. I have now a super fast useless #bananalab printer.


Hi All, I am the OP of this thread. Sorry to see that I am not alone and many are suffering through this issue. Seems like a QC issue indeed.

So, an update from my side. Bambu took some log data and are sending me a new print bed. No guarantee of a flat print bed though. I will keep you guys updated

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I can fit a 0.035" gauge pin under my straight edge. That’s bad.

I’m still waiting on a support ticket reply.

0.035" is bad, 0.0035" would be too much I think.

Here the same issue, printed for about six weeks without any issues, now every print failed due first layer adheason problems. Calibrated etc many time - no improovement, then checked the bed and there is a big “dent” in the middle area, about 0,28 mm deep.

Let´s see if and when the support answers on my ticket

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Possible to add a shim to the center of the bed until you have a permanent fix?

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I have discovered the issue after second print. It arrives with the warped bed. The printing process is fine because the mesh compensation works really well but I end up with the bottom and top layers warped as the bed…when I’m lucky and with with PLA :frowning: Just after discovering the problem I’ve opened a ticket but no answer untill now. Almost 0.4 mm from center to left side.

Yes, this is what I’m testing. I’ve started with aluminium tape that resist high temp attacched to the back of the plate. It works as temporary solution. Also testing a shim printed in CF plus some alu tape, it should resist up to 160°C. The bed is now almost perfectly flat but magnetic force will be less strong than before. Testing right now with large ASA print and bed to 110°C to see what happen. Having a machine so well engineered with a warped bed is a really pity.

TOP, before the trick
BOTTOM, the just finished print that is cooling on the printer


Looking good! Thanks for sharing.

The magnetic force is fairly strong. I doubt adding that tape will cause any negative effects.

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After a few days I got a reply on my bed ticket.
I was asked to do the bed tramming and then provide the logs.
It was then confirmed that I get a new bed.

That I can properly print until the replacement arrives I decided to start to shift the bed with 5cm wide aluminum tape. (I had to use nearly 15m to shift the 1.1mm😅)
I got it so far that I can barely notice the bed moving while printing big surface prints.

So, I too have a sag in the middle of the bed :frowning: thank god I don’t need to print many functional parts. I’ll wait and see whether Bambu Lab come with some sort of solution and not just a bed-roulette.

But I was thinking - isn’t there something we could nivellate the bed with? Something like thin epoxy but both temperature resistant, thermally conductive and magnetically permeable (though I don’t think that’s going to be an issue in the middle).


What kind of solution do you expect except swapping the bed?

Sure you can level it, use alu tape like I did.

Epoxy or anything resin like would not last long - too much heat expansion of the bed.

You could rip off the magnetic sheet, place a 6 or 8mm aluminum bed with an magnetic sheet on top and use it this way. But you will loose Z.

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Hey, we’re “dent” buddies!

Look at how much mesh compensation is being applied in this tiny area: