X1C PVA Problem

Hi there stranger!
I have been printing on my X1C for about a month now with only small problems. Hence, I purchased a Polymaker PolyDissolve S1 filament to print more complex prototypes. However, every time I print with PVA I am having a lot of problems which I can not figure out why. Weirdly enough some pieces print fine while others cause problem which makes me think could be about the placement of the pieces on the print surface could be the problem. I am not that experienced in 3D printing, however, I have done almost all of the calibrations from OrcaSlicer. I will post the speed and filament settings I use below:

I would start with a thorough washing of the plate with hot water and dish soap, making sure to dry with a lint free towel and taking care to not touch the print surface with your fingers again after washing - skin oil left behind from a simple touch of the plate can prevent adhesion.

It looks like you might be using a Wham Bam plate in your image? If so, you should not need glue stick unless having release issues with PETG. The Wham Bam plate can also be cleaned with 99% IPA, and occasionally requires re-scuffing with 000 steel wool. If using the BB cool or engineering plates - lay down a thin uniform single layer of glue stick.

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Lower your First layer Speed to 20 or 30 the slicer is not dropping the first layer pva support speed.

Check your speeds in the drop down viewer after you slice it in preview screen.

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I’ve changed the first layer speed in addition to the support and support interface speeds.

Things got slightly better but print still fails.

I thoroughly washed the plate before the print and you can see the results below. I’m using BambuLab’s cool plate.

Hello. I tried the same filament.
I also put in Setting Overrides : Length 1mm, retractation speed 20mm/s, and bed temperature of 50°C in filament settings.
It has some issues but it’s OK tier I guess, this particular print printed well even if some finalement did not stick. It’s a little messy in printer as there are some bits of filament, I think retractation parameters are not that good.

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I see the flow calibration lines, did you use that functionality for this multi material print? If so try doing the flow calibrations yourself per material then turning off the auto calibration.

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Already done that. The problem usually starts at 2nd or 3rd layers for me. It seems like the issue is the excessive speed especially when the printer is making frequent turns.

Due to time pressure of work projects I stopped experimenting with PVA for now. I will share results once I find extra time.

I have not this button ! :confused:

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Have you tried bumping up the hot end temp by 5-10c? If your issues start when the speed picks up, you might not be melting as fast as it is trying to extrude.

Also, for all that open support, PVA should be a waste of money. Use your base model’s PLA and only PVA or other support material for the interface layers. For internal supports that you need to dissolve, PVA all the way.

Yes I did use calibration and multi material. In fact, I don’t understand how calibration is done for multimaterial as it seems there is only one calibration flow.
I will try this.
I reviewed my settings, I forgot to limit support speed ! It might be related. I added a wipe setting. I’m trying another print this way (with flow still set to 0.95). But with that and multimaterial, it’s really a looong print time :slight_smile:

Wow! What a pity… Very restrictive, I’ll find another forum more accessible :frowning:
Thanks for answer

I used correct support speed and low volumetric speed (2.1), and wipe setting on outer, and it’s now totally fine. Pay no attention to the distorsion, I just waited 1 day to take the picture so it absorbed water, it was totally fine except for the connection on the left between pla and PVA.
I did this for the science, it takes really long and spoils much filament, I guess the way to go would have been to use PVA as interface only.
I don’t know if you can specify different parameters for internal support (so everything PVA) and external support (so interface PVA)

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can you share all the exact settings you used for PVA material and support? Then I can also try to replicate similar results.

Bambulab studio version is :


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This is probably a good application for Orcaslicer with it’s ability to tune per filament. There are some good walk-throughs online and in video on how to do this. Bambu Slicer with the X1C does the tuning only for the first filament so it doesn’t help when you are using multiple types of filament that are dissimilar as is the case here.