I just received the notification that’s time to lubricate my z-axis lead screws. I have Haynes Lubri-Film on hand, is it good for my printer?
I just received the notification that’s time to lubricate my z-axis lead screws. I have Haynes Lubri-Film on hand, is it good for my printer?
Bambu Lab recommends using BX-300/F series grease here:
Yes I read that, but I’m not able to source that locally in Canada.
Here are some related discussions:
Just a quick tip about cleaning lead screws, from someone who runs a lathe.
The easiest way to clean down it the grooves, where a rag does not work well, is to wrap string around the screw. Then use the motor to turn the screw. If you put the string just under the bed then both the string and the bed will move down together.
As the string gets dirty you just slowly feed it to a new spot.
This is the stuff I use for the lead screw on my Formlabs SLA printer. I intend to use it for the X1C screws, too.
I finally got around to cleaning my lead screws. 2mm twine works great. It is small enough to get down in the valleys and still clean the entire screw.
Great idea. What is your technique to draw the twine up/down the lead screw? Do you use 3 or 4 strand?