A1 Pausing Frequently then ruining prints when resumed

Hi there guys!
I’ve had my A1 and AMS for about a week now and have loved it so far. I’ve started running into issues with my prints though. They seem to be pausing at random and it doesn’t seem to be in a similar way to what others have experienced.

When the print is paused I will sometimes get a notification that it has been paused by the user while a lot of the time I get not notification at all. I am able to resume the print after these pauses but the last few prints I have done have all failed a decent way into the print.

So far I’ve tried a range of things suggested in other threads including:

  • Checking for pauses in the slicer
  • Manually “tramming” the print bed
  • Checking for firmware updates
  • Thoroughly cleaning the build plate
  • re run the calibration several times

I have submitted a ticket to Bambu but thought I’d see if anyone had any advice on how to proceed here.

I may have missed something obvious but I’m honestly at a loss and am missing out on printing badly.

Thanks heaps in advance for any advice!

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There is an ongoing issue (on subreddit, other post in this forums) when the printer is connected to the Internet. Set to LAN Mode for the work around.

Have just started a print in LAN mode hopefully this will be the fix. Thanks!

Had a similar problem like you, but the whole printer just power cycled and resumed printing. Problem was that the nozzle stops on the print and makes a blob. I replaced the factory SD card and stopped Auto-record monitoring and it’s now fine. You can leave it on, but regularly have to put the sd card in your computer to clear the ipcam folder.

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Where did you find this solution?

Did it again. Seems like that was not the issue. A lot of forums say that the stock SD card is bad it’s even the same on creality printers. Still testing out if that was the case. I have printed for an hour now and it’s fine. Asked the support will see what they will tell.

Having the exact same issues on my A1 Mini since a couple of days. It creates a blob every time it stops working, screen turns black and light goes off. After that the print is ruined when in vase mode.

Ok so an update.

Just finished a 6 hour print successfully with LAN Only mode on. Had one pause in the last 20 minutes, no warning just a the assistant screen saying “No Assistant Message” But it did recover well enough to finish the print with no issues in quality.


I did notice while baby sitting the last little bit after the pause that it was slowing down in an odd fashion similar to what others have been experiencing as per the threads @kip linked.

An oddity that I noticed however was that LAN Only mode seemed to be disabled when I went to re enable it to send a new print.

As it seems to be a wide spread issue that Bambu is aware of I’ll just have to wait. But for now I’m happy that it is functioning a little better. I’ve got prints to run after all!

Will run a few more prints and keep the thread up to date with anything I find.
Thanks again for your help!


Further update

Running the printer with wifi turned off seemed to work best for me. Prints are completing as normal with no pauses at all.

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Please see here: A, P, series

Yup current workflow for me is:

  • Slice and send print to printer
  • Wait for the print to download to the SD card
  • Cancel the print
  • Turn on LAN Only mode
  • Turn WiFi off
  • Start print from SD card
  • Turn WiFi back on and LAN Only mode off
  • Slice and send a new Print
  • Rinse and repeat

This got me printing again while I wait for a fix. A note it that LAN Only mode did not remove the issue entirely like shutting WiFi off entirely has. So if anyone’s still struggling give that a try while we wait for a fix


Mine has been idle all day, but I have heard it restart and make the little chime noise at least 5 times today.

I’m relieved it hasn’t impacted any of my other printers, but this issue is scary.

Have you tried the previous firmware version (

Upd: Well, I checked - it doesn’t help

Bambu knows about the issue as it is wide spread and are working on a fix.

If you need to print in the meantime disconnecting from Wifi seems like the best way to go.
Try it on a small print as a test, but using the steps I mentioned I have gone from every print failing completely to having no failures with my last 3 prints.

Submitting a ticket with the info they’ve asked for is the only other thing to do with this one until a fix comes out.

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I’m active on another thread discussing this same issue. I’ve gotten in touch with Bambu about this directly but I’m still waiting on a response that isn’t automated. I’ve received the same fluff response from their customer service that’s listed in the reply above.

New A1 owner. Frustrated.

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Took over 3 weeks of back and forth with support before they agreed to send out a new motherboard just yesterday.

Awesome, im glad they could sort you out.

Are they sending it out to you as a precatuonary fix, or are they confident thats where the issue is stemming from? If that ends up being the go-to fix for the issue, then this will be very expensive for Bambu lol.

The fact that these issues have started cropping up in previously un effected printers suggests it’s not a hardware issue.

Most people effected have only been having the issue for a few days. It will take time to diagnose and release a fix. If your frustration is simply with missing out on print time, using the the work arounds will likely get you printing again. I’ve had no issues with prints completing or the quality since disconnecting from WiFi

Otherwise submit a ticket and wait for a fix to be released.

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We have recently received several reports of printers experiencing black screen / restarts during printing. After thorough analysis, we have identified that the issue stems from a recent auto-update to our cloud service’s certificate, which leads to possible printer reboots.

A certificate is a security measure that allows for encrypted SSL communication between the Cloud Servers and the 3D Printer. Similar certificates are used for websites, to provide a secure encrypted connection between the Computer and the Website Server.

Our cloud service adheres to a security policy of automatically updating certificates every three months. This is a standard practice to ensure high security.
According to this policy, the certificate was updated on June 24th, 07:36 UTC.

At this time, some users began reporting issues shortly after this update for printers from the P1 and A1 Series.
Due to a small bug in the firmware of the P1 and A1 series, the certificate verification process on the printer side did not work as expected which caused the firmware to crash during use and reboot the printer.
The X1 Series remains unaffected, as it uses a different firmware base and does not suffer from this bug.

As a quick solution: The certificate known to cause issues has been replaced with an updated certificate with a different algorythm, from a different Certification Authority. As of June 27th, 06:00 UTC, our cloud service now runs on the new certificate.

As a longer-term fundamental solution: We are in the process of optimizing the certificate processing method for the P1 and A1 Series in the firmware, to avoid similar issues in the future. The updated firmware addressing this issue is currently undergoing internal testing, and will be released to the public following thorough quality evaluation.

No other action is required from users to solve the issue, as this has been a server side change. The printer can be used with confidence again.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused and appreciate your patience as we work to completely resolve this matter promptly.
Should you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact our customer support team.

Thank you for your understanding.
Bambu Lab


Thanks for the help, I purchased 3 Bambu x1c a couple of weeks ago and only 1 has this problem. It started about 3 days ago, it prints for a minute and pauses for about 1.30 minutes absolutely driving me mad! I will try your solution though until hopefully a fix comes along.