Added P1P a Touch Screen

I tried this and it just kept rebooting, at the time I didn’t know it was only for resistive so it figures. The source code wasn’t available at the time so I could investigate further.

Come to discord and ask for help. BTW source is published some time ago

Sorry. No discord for me I’m afraid. I find it totally ADHD-inducing wall of words in my view. It has no obvious structure and is just a vomit of consciousness. It’s almost as bad as REDDIT in it’s complete dysfunctional organization structure. I find it impossible to find the subject I am looking for. Even the search utility is an abomination. It overwrites the browser CTRL-F function which to me is an egregious mortal sin of software development on the order of Pop-up windows.

I wish the dev would find a structured discussion forum by which to provide discussion and support. Anything is better than Discord or REDDIT such as MyBB, Simple Machines Forum or countless other free software forums out there. But sadly, in this day and age with most people unable to keep focus beyond 256 characters, I realize this is likely a lost cause. Still, I note it nevertheless because I simply vote with my feet and have held back on pursuing anything that relies solely on Discord or REDDIT.

Let’s be candid, both of those platforms serve just one purpose, that being to promote themselves and garner advertising click-throughs. Remember… on the Internet, if it’s free, “You’re the product”. I simply will not willingly subject myself to this kind of exploitation.

BTW: Just for the record, I went full-immersion on Discord and set up my own channel simply to ensure that there wasn’t something I was missing. I’ll admit bias after having over 40 years of online experience beginning with dialup BBS in the 80s, USENET in the 90s, eGroups(YahooGroups) in the 90s and 00’s and of course having been admin for vBulletin, MyPHP and Invision forums, and for the life of me, despite this effort, I simply do not get the appeal of Discord or REDITT, totally baffling. But then again, the current generation likely doesn’t remember the calm sanity of those platforms(like this forum here) so it likely will not change.

OK. Off my soapbox now.

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I see your point but I only do support in Discord. Not because is good for users, but most because is easy for me.

Hi can you link me to the Discord group please?

The link can be found in the description of this video.


The irony… lol I don’t disagree though.

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Is there 5 inch screen support or when will this update come, I haven’t ordered my screen yet

Yes, I would welcome this too. I am holding off on any purchase of hardware until the 5" is supported. I’m looking forward to when that day arrives.

5 inch is in the roadmap, but before I will put out 2 more things… Then actually decide next version hw


This is great, I set one up in my office under my monitor but may add a second one on my P1P in the garage. I like to be able to easily preheat the bed and see the progress and temperature whole at my desk.

The only addition I would like is to be able to show an rtsp stream even if only at .5fps.

Does this project involve any soldering? On either printer or the screen? I’m not that good at soldering tiny objects.

No soldering needed for this project

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Cool project, would love to see a larger screen option

Ingenious thing! :+1: Can Xtouch also send G-code files to printer or only 3MF files? I figured out that OrcaSlicer has this limitation and I can imagine that Xtouch communicate with printer in the same way.

G-code files are actually inside the 3mf… is just a container… rename it to .zip and descompress…

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I know that this is just a zip file and it’s easy to extract G-code out of 3mf. What I mean is other way around. I have G-code files only. Would it be possible sending these to printer and start remotely by using Xtouch? I have not found any proper way yet. :sweat:

GCode IS printerspecific. Better slice 3Mf

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Unfortunately in this particular case it’s not possible. There is a post-processing step of the sliced files in our pipeline which (currently) can only process gcode files.

Can you not export the 3mf file (with slice gcode) from Bambu/Orca, rename to .zip and unzip, modify the gcode as needed, rezip and rename to .3mf and load it to the printer via SD card?