Banding / Ringing type artifacts?

Hi all, been printing for about a year with Prusa so not a complete noob ( but not far away!! ).
I have had my X1C Carbon for about 2 weeks and have printed about 40 hours in total with PLA and 0.4 nozzle.
After having an issue with a print with missing letters on a logo it was suggested by Bambu Lab that I look at the flow rate and print out their test cube. I did the test print and was dismayed at the resulting surface defects that have appeared. It looks like a ripping effect possibly ringing but I only see this using Sunlu PETG not Sunlu PLA ( both pre-dried ).
Can anyone suggest what is going on as I would not have thought that a printer with such low hours would need re-tensioning of the belt or cleaning of the rods already!!!
A ticket has been submitted but BL are very slow in responding.



In my experience this might just be a material issue. Darker colored PETG is super glossy which really shows every little imperfection. I’ve had similar issues with colorfabb’s NGEN material (Which i think is based on similar polymers) and was able to improve results by lowering temps a bit (be careful to not go too far or you’ll have bad layer adhesion)


Hi mate, thanks for the input but the " ringing " is not a little imperfection, you can actually feel the ridges in the print. Still waiting on an answer from Bambu Lab and trying with other filaments as well !!

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I see i wasn’t completely clear, i wasn’t putting all the blame on the material. Just pointing out that it can exaggerate print errors while matte filaments hide them.

In this case there is definitely some ringing happening. Have you tried running the machine self-calibration?
It includes a more in-depth resonance test compared to the pre-print one.

Lowering temps might also help a bit.

I’m actually printing something in the same sunlu filament (black PETG) tomorrow. I will report back if I experience similar issues.


Thank you for expanding on the previous input Luuk, I get where you are coming from. I had done a calibration after I installed the 0.2 nozzle but no real difference!
I am trying all sorts at the moment. and will post here if any positive results occur.

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I have a similar type of ringing a well. It’s worse on the x axis part of the print than y axis when printing a cube. It’ probably hardware related and a lot (probably most) printers seem effected. I hope Bambu Lab is looking into this.


Moshen, I finally got a reply to my ticket asking me to repeat the print with a different filament. No waiting for delivery and the another 2or 3 day wait for next response!!!


From what I see different filaments hide the issue better but the ringing is still there. I’ve only gotten them to go away by printing at 60mm/s outer walls or slower. Curious if you find different results.


I will wait for the reply from Bambu and then may try your speed thing. It would be annoying if reducing speed was the cure as the speed of the X1C was one a the reasons I purchased it!!! We shall see!!

I get this banding/rippling only on X axis and not on Y. I’m hoping to get X to be the surface quality on Y. Belts tightened and rods freshly cleaned. I filed a support ticket so it’s on Bambu Labs’ radar.


I’ve tried 3 different manufacturers of PLA and 1 PETG all at the request of Bambu Lab. The banding does show much clearer on the PETG but it is also clearly visible on all the PLA on both the X & Y with no real issues with top and bottom.
The last answer was that the new slicer update should help, I will print another test piece tomorrow but I am not that hopeful !!!
BL keeps closing all of the tickets I submit on this and other problems as soon as they answer them, usually with a request to do another test.!!! I think just sending a reply is just to make it look like the Tickets are being cleared before they actually are!!!


Ringing and decline in surface quality - Bambu Lab X1 Series / Troubleshooting - Bambu Lab Community Forum - another thread for that. I have the same issue on the P1P.


Just a quick update on this issue.
Since following all the suggestions re +/- speeds & walls, Belt Tensioners & Re-Calibrations and multiple rod cleanings etc etc I can confirm that the artefact still remains clearly visible and feelable on the X Axis only.
I have sent in several system logs now to Support but it has been over a week since last one went in and not a peep from them.!!!


I see similar artifacts on some of my prints, also dominant on the x axis. For now, I can live with them, but not if they get worse. Keep us updated please!

I can only imagine it being some kind of belt teeth pattern you can see on CoreXY printers frequently.


Me too, I have the same wave on X only.

I hope Bambu lab will have a solution.


Having still been unable to clear the artefacts I have decided and Bambu have agreed that the printer is going back for a refund. I will be keeping an eye on the situation and may return in the future. I wish Bambu Lab all the best with this printer and hope they get all their issues resolved quickly.


I wonder if installing smoother on the X and Y motors would help?

I am also getting the same effect, especially on round objects. Almost like their might be a “ZigZig” X Y movement rather than a smooth X Y movement.

I have to replace my motherboard cooling fan, I may steal a couple smoothers from my Ender 5 and see if that helps.

I am also going to re-visit some of the Bambu Lab sample prints to see if it’s a slicer issue since theirs are pre configured and tuned.

Super noticeable on any “flat” surfaces. I’ve gone back to my Ender printers when I need buttery smooth prints. I hope BambuLabs fixes this sooner than later. I’ve put off ordering my second X1 Carbon and set my eyes on a Troodon v2.

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Yep, when you’ll try I really want to know your result. It’s possible than Bambu works on this problem too. I hope…


Not sure it will help a lot but it maybe related to infill/wall overlap, as infill keep the sema direction and not rotate when turning the 3d model it still.make sens tha only X o Y is impacted : :Is that a problem ? micro-z-banding

Try -5% for overlap infill/wall (note the minus sign)
Try without or with tiny infill ratio