Yep…totally feel ya there. Where I work is introducing all the new “Copilot” tech to he market and it’s happening so fast it’s hard to know sometimes how to answer questions.
That said, if 50% of your sales originate from the US…maybe consider having a small team located in the region to support the efforts.
Sorry, no native English speaker here. willjR0K5 said about 50% sales originate from US. I would like to read any official note about the real origin of the sales, if available.
No reason to be sorry. Thank you for asking your question in english.
I don’t know of any official information from Bambu about a sales breakdown. I would also love to know more specifics about that and the number of printers they have sold.
I was just making a general statement that if you have a large portion of customers in a different country, it would make sense to have support in that region.
Not just trying to complain about this…but I logged an update to an existing ticket yesterday. Still waiting for a response on which cable to buy or where etc.
I ordered a few items this afternoon at 2:42pm US Central Time. 6:47pm I got a shipment notification. So just over 4 hours.
To be fair, they might warehouse and drop ship with outsourced supply chain that’s super efficient…but clearly they’ve prioritized sales and supply chain vs Support.
Thank you, because I read this I realised I had forgotten I had ordered something that will arrive tomorrow. I ordered it on Sunday (my brain doesn’t work right anymore since the tumour).
Main thing.
Sales are almost certainly automated and run by distribution companies (hubs) and warehousing services. At least that is how it operates in the U.K. to my knowledge.
A sale will come in, and automated checks will confirm that payment has been received. It will then check stock levels at the hub and send a shipping order to the hub. That hub (which likely does this for many other companies) will grab the stock from that company’s shelves and have it ready for the courier to pick up. The courier will have been sent an automated transaction to get them to the hub grab your goodies and get them to your location as quickly as possible.
Support has to do things that often lack automation.
I also have a real issue with customer support, but, these two things should be considered distinct, I doubt any significant resources from inside BL are in the mix other than the accounting and logistics people.
Have a look at this LinkedIn post. A bit of search and one can find quite a few of the same complaining posts from various locations. The “customer support” issue is really getting out of hand, and BL, despite it’s innovative printers, is arguably beginning to lose not just its reputation but also its customers.
When someone goes to such length posting on multiple social networks, forums and other public accessible media to express his discontent with BL’s “customer support”, that tells me volumes on how pissed of this user is… and from what I’ve found through my basic online research, there are out there plenty more other BL customers like him… Strangely enough, it seems that BL’s C-board doesn’t give a damn, nor appears willing to remediate the customer support disaster… Sadly for BL, no matter how good and innovative its printers are, or how technological groundbreaking their next printers will be, their “customer support” will be their downfall. To bad, but if this is what it takes for BL (and others alike) to learn a valuable life and business lesson, then so be it.
bbl customer support is adequate, for them. Say you have a printer that fails, obviously you will be upset by that fact. However, for bbl, they have possibly sold quite a few hundred thousand printers, and if folk see them as worth the cash, they will continue selling them. They have said they want to be like apple. Can you buy bits for iphones? Does apple make low cost repairs, or try to sell you a new model? I’m guessing, for those who had some experience with other printers/companies, they realised that what bbl had done, had upset the established 3d business, but that much of it was proprietary gear. Now other companies are playing catch up, some using more ‘standard’ components in their printers, but I doubt if their support is any better, at a similar price point for the machines, but maybe parts are more readily available. Maybe the majority of bbl customers have bought into their system, being in effect newbies to 3d printing, Possibly they thought it was as simple as downloading a file, and just print it, and for many it is probably that simple. They think that they must use maker space, and bbl filaments, etc. which is exactly the customers that bbl wants.
If bbl has brilliant customer support, who pays for it? The machines get more expensive, thus less attractive to newcomers. If they fix the machine for the existing customer, that means it may be a few years before a new machine is bought by that customer. Will such a customer eventually leave, maybe if a competitor brings out something better and cheaper? If they do not fix the machine, will it matter, when new customers are attracted by the newer enhanced models that bbl have in the pipeline, and the new customer will buy into the bbl/apple ethos? The point is, what are you going to do about it, as an individual? Letting off steam on this or other fora, will achieve nothing, except maybe making you feel a bit better, also taking your business elsewhere will make little difference to bbl. Anyway, I think the number of complaints is far outweighed by the number of happy customers.