Downgrading to 1.7.0

I didnt know they had a diffrent “squish” for each plate thats good to know thanks lol. Would you by chance know where to find the thread on the squish in the Gcode? Thanks


Are you referring to me ? Lol

Absolutely not lol

My comment was towards Mr Peace.



I am salty in general and was like how does this user know that already about me :laughing:

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Thank you so much i will take a look at it when I get home.

Control over my own machine. They don’t own it I do and they are making it difficult to buy third-party items on purpose. I probably shouldn’t have to explain this to you, but I noticed that you argue for them all the freaking time. Shut your pie hole and move onto somebody else​:sunglasses::+1:t3:

They slightly modified the Z height. Firmware is the issue causing failed prints. The fact that they told me this is an isolated issue to just me is laughable at this point considering I’ve seen so many people complain about the same issue.

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I doubt this will work, but even still their tech-support should have given this information. If it is something that can work. Yeah I’m salty because I have no control over my own printer that I purchased. Planned on buying 10 more if this one worked out but the fact that they have control over my Z offset, and I don’t pisses me off because they could literally shut down production because some idiot wants to control my plates. I like using textured plates that have nice finishes and bamboo does not offer things like that in the variety that I want them in. I should not have to give a reason why because it’s my damn machine.

And the chase for something so simple begins. The damn thing was dialed in with older firmware and then they change it and boom. Everybody has a problem only to have them not even admit that there is a problem. Then they remove the ability for all other users, to downgrade their FW. Who in the hell wouldn’t be salty? Oh yeah, liberals…


Ya I finally got it figured out it was the Z-offset still having issues with my lidar, and still haven’t heard anything from my ticket yet we shall see how long it takes. Isolated my a$$ its been an issue with past firmware updates for so many others I feel like they have more then one version of the firmware some get the shitty one some get the good one.

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100% it’s the firmware. Then you get a little morons on here that stick up for their overlords instead of actually listening to customers. I was a huge fan until this damn firmware issue started popping up. Still running into all kinds of different issues as well, and have gone through so many hoops with them and nothing they told me worked🤷🏻‍♂️

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Yeah, I’ve been noticing Issues with my Printer lately and thought it might be the Firmware, then I wanted to downgrade and I can’t because they disabled it.

Having Custom Firmware would be a cool idea, also because it’s via a bootloader so you can choose the Firmware you want on startup. It seems very hostile towards customers to push an update out that ruins prints and removes the ability to downgrade because of custom Firmware.

The 3D Printing community will always find a way, it’s just a question of time when the people who upgraded will also get access to a bootloader. It’s just how we are, we love 3D Printing because we love to change things we own, also our printers, and updates and warnings won’t stop us from doing it.

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They have literally put us in a situation where we cannot get good Prince with new firmware and then if you don’t have the ability to downgrade, you are stuck with bad quality Prince. You will also not be able to change to any custom firmware, which is ridiculous, considering you own the machine. I understand, keeping within the bounds of what they want to create, but what they created caused a problem, and they’re saying we’re crazy or at least implying it. In my situation all I needed to do was adjust the Z offset down very little and it would’ve fixed this problem I was having. I’m still having issues and it’s been three weeks. I just got a follow up from them finally and they told me to use a glue stick even though I’ve already done this and told them I did it.

If I knew this is how they treated their customers I would never have gone for them, to me it’s just insulting at this point. Have you tried calibrating your lidar? Mine failed after Firmware update so now no flow dynamic calibration which you know is one of the reason I went with the X1C.

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So sorry this is going on for you! This is why I am complaining on behalf of those that were not able to downgrade. Thank God I was able to downgrade just before they pulled the option. I upgraded the firmware and nothing would stick so I downgraded just before they pulled the option and it sticks better but it’s still bad. This is ridiculous that they would treat their customers this way, and I know they are scrambling to get something up that works, but there are a lot of people now complaining and they’re just ignoring us. At this point, I’ve decided to move on with other printers. At least I can adjust the Z offset myself. I didn’t want to tinker and this is the exact reason why I bought this printer as well but I just got a message from them that it is normal for these problems to happen throughout all printers. All of the other ones don’t cost $1500.

Wow just sounds like they don’t want to take the blame. Thats the exact reason I got this printer I was finally starting to be able to focus on designing models, and not having to deal printer issues. Thats why I spent $1500 is that not why this printer has a LIDAR so its not like “other printers”.

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and now I tried to open a new ticket and it just adds to my older ticket that still hasn’t been addressed yet. ow well life goes on I guess time to pull out the old trusty Enders at least Im running Klipper on those I can do whatever I want haha.

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Agreed on all previous points about this being such a bad look for BL. Dead serious when I say they lost an X1C customer today, as when I first heard about this from Teaching Tech’s Youtube this morning I was this close to pulling the trigger on an X1C, even though I don’t technically need it (have 2 other printers). Instead, I’ll be waiting and IF I ever buy a Bambu it’ll be a cheaper A1/mini to wade in very slowly. Super disappointing that they’ve gone this route and gone so far as basic radio silence to be sure. Blocking firmware downgrades is such a desperate, childish, and terrible looking move.

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