[HOW TO] Add custom filaments so you can select them in the AMS

I believe there are some BBl instructions for this, but recent I was able to add my own filaments such that they can be selected from the touchscreen on the X1C, selectable in Bambu Slicer, and ultimately can be synced into the slicer without being limited to only the defaults and their settings.

I have posted this in a couple of other threads, but just though it should have it’s own so I can edit one set of instructions. These do require a bit of fixing up, and will add each step as I did it, and how it worked for me. Your results may vary.

The money shot:

Go here:

Then click on “Custom Filaments”

If you haven’t added any filaments there will be no list but you can create one. If you have created some you will get presented with a list of custom filaments, and each one of these should be available in the slicer to select for objects and printing, and also in the list in the device page for the AMS (but you may not be able to use them, as many experience)

Select “Create new” to add a new custom filament. You can copy an existing default or custom filament, or base it on one. I’m not sure the difference yet, it’s not clear if one creates some inherited properties or not. I don’t know for sure but I have had success with using the core defaults as a base and not existing custom filaments. So I used Bambu or Generic profiles, you can fill in some details, including a new vendor, the filament type and “serial” (BBL term for sub type).

These end up in the name, so I chose PLA as “Type” and “Silk” as the serial for some Eryone 3 colour PLA silk I added, not available as a default in the slicer or on the touch screen.

Here is what that FormFutura rPET looks like in the custom filaments screen, “PETG” is the Type and “rPET” is the serial, note you can add more presets based on the base filament after this.

These presets appear as custom user filaments in the main list, but beware if you delete them from here completely they will become zombie presets in the custom filaments screen:

After adding the custom filament it appears in the list in the device page, however I couldn’t get it to stay set in the AMS, and then I noticed a filament I created WAS in the list, so I knew it was possible. After doing the flow dynamics calibration, that is when it became fully integrated, and you can see here there is a pressure advance setting.

From the Bambulab caliibration menu, choose “Flow Dynamics Calibration”, and so far I have only done automatic calibration. You can set what filament is present in the AMS from your list of filaments, at this point you need to choose one that is also in the list of "custom filaments. You can do multiple tests at the point provided the filament is compatible with the build plate. I used the engineering plate with lightly textured PC surface, or the Cool plate for my tests.

If you do a flow dynamics calibration and cannot save the settings because the name is too long, don’t worry, it’s just the flow calibration name, not the overall filament preset name, so you can trim the name.

I don’t know if a manual calibration will work.

Once you have done some calibration, you will end up with a list of filaments and K Factors. After initial creation, these can be edited. My guess is you could bypass the auto calibration using the manual process, I just haven’t bothered yet.

Once I completed the calibration for the custom filaments, only then did they work fully in the AMS.

Feel free to tell me “it doesn’t work” but know that it IS possible, it’s just awkward and may only work in a narrow set of conditions. But for me those are:

  • Create filament in custom filaments, basing it on bambu lab or generic filament
  • Go to the Bambu Lab calibration page and select “Flow dynamics calibration”
  • Choose your custom filament in the required AMS slots from the pulldown (so I chose my FormFutura PETG rPET custom filament)
  • Run the auto calibration.
  • Magic happens

I don’t know if you can use the manual calibration too, but I just tried things until they worked for me!


If you just use latest Orca slicer to make them, they will appear and work in the AMS before you do any calibration.

Well I had been using the latest OrcaSlicer and this wasn’t the case for me so far. i think all this is supposed to “just work” but the way the filament management is split up is a bit clunky in general in BBS, PS, SS and OS.

It has worked in the past if you selected the vendor as Bambulab, but had the correct manufacturer in the filament profile name only.

Just tried it in Orcaslicer and for me while i can create a custom filament with a new vendor, it does not work in the AMS. I just made a Real3d Silk Pla custom filament:

Here it is in the list of filaments in the AMS on the device page:

Here it is after a few seconds:

Here it is after about 30 seconds.

After successful flow calibration, it’s still not working! This is after updating to Bambuslicer so who knows!

Did you hit “sync” after it was done? Are you on PC or Mac? Im on macOS and its 100% working. I had similar results with your failure with bambu slicer, but Orca everything is perfect.

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I had the same problem with getting custom materials to stick on the AMS display in Bambu slicer. After making a new material and saving it I could not get it to stay using the slicer interface. I had to use the touch screen on my X1 to edit the filament there where I was able to select the new filament type and color.

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That could indeed be the missing step as my testing yesterday while doing screenshots I was remote from the printer.

I will redo the tests to include using the touch screen after initially creating the filaments.

I did see something from BBL about updates that removed some functionality but it I though ti was for A1 and P1 users until they had fixed some wider issues.

Thanks for the HowTo, but I don’t get it to work. I’m not able to save a custom filament to the printer.

I tried Bambu Studio and Orca Slicer 1.9.0 on X1C with

Nothing worked for me.

  • using presets of my vendor (Das Filament)
  • using presets of Bambu and modify them
  • storing as a new Vendor name
  • storing for an existing Vendor name (using “INLAND”)

I can see the custom filaments in the slicer (and the PA profiles) in the “Device” tab. But selecting is not possible. It will be removed after some seconds.

On the printer there is nothing to chose. There are only the five original vendors (Bambu, Generic, Overture, Polymer, eSUN)

I will be trying in one of the AMS slots tomorrow - in Auto-Calibrate mode - but for the external spool - it does not work.

Additionally, I was testing TPU… BS told me that TPU can not be AUTO-CALIBRATED. So I did Manual-Calibration - and as I noted, it did not work.

I can select the custom filament in BS under Device - but: 1. it does not appear on the printer touch screen, and 2. after a few seconds it disappears in BS.
It would seem that BS syncs from AMS… and since the AMS did not store the data, BS reverted to “blank”, or whatever I select on the printer touch screen. Pressing sync or re-sync does not change the outcome.

I am running latest version of printer and AMS firmware, and latest version of BS.

I tested it with Auto Calibrate, using an AMS slot (not external spool), and a standard filament (PLA) from a different brand.
Followed the step exactly… and… it did NOT work.
I did both auto-calibrate PA, and Flow Rate…
Exactly the same behaviour as what I experienced with TPU and the external spool holder, and manual calibration.

Calibration itself works. The custom filament exists in Bambu Studio (slicer). I can pick it in the device window, but after a few seconds it gets overwritten with “blank” information.
Interestingly, after I do this process, the printer touch-screen “forgets” all information for that AMS slot, even though originally I had it configured for “generic” and “pla”.

I tried this with the current version but it did not work. What seems to work is sliceing it, changing the material to the custom one in the Device tab of Studio and then quickly clicking print before it resets to [?]. From what I can see in the Control values of the printer everything is correct. Obviously far from optimal. I did this for a single color print with AMS

I was able to fix it. The issue is the printer and studio are not sync’ing via the cloud properly.
What fixed it for me, is reconnecting the printer to my user account…
here are the instructions.
I did this and it’s been working perfectly ever since…
and CALIBRATION is NOT REQUIRED to make it work. the moment I create a custom filament, 1 minute later, that filament is available in the printer. I can select it in studio and it remains set. Or I can set it in the printer, and studio auto-updates itself.


Thank you @wally.malicki!!!

You are my personal hero for today!
That seems to work! :star_struck: :+1: :clap:

This worked for me as well!

So I have a P1S Combo, and this didn’t work so far. What I did was create a custom filament, and then ran Flow Dynamics Calibration → Manual Calibration, and set the value. But then when I go to Device->AMS->Filament editor, I only get the standard options for filament, and not my custom one. Any ideas?

Are you saying that if I’m using my printer locally only I’m screwed?

All the equipment REQUIRING the internet is absurd!

As of the latest firmware update a few days ago, you should be able to add custom filaments to the ams. I updated my P1P and my custom filaments instantly appeared in the list of filaments to select for the ams.


The filament data download from the cloud is done only when “there is a change”. For example, if you add/create a new filament in BS… it then uploads it to the cloud, and then down to the printer.

Once the printer gets the filament data, the cloud connection can be terminated and the data resides in the printer, until you power it off.

Related to this topic, let’s say I calibrate my new roll of Bambu ABS Black filament and save it as a User Preset under the “Bambu ABS - Black” name. When I load that spool in the AMS, how can I set the AMS to my customized “Bambu ABS - Black” instead of the default uncalibrated “Bambu ABS” it wants to use?

I understand I just saved an existing filament under a different name as opposed to creating a “Custom Filament” per the defined procedure but it seems I should be able to link it to my loaded spool.

This would allow my filament settings to propagate to the slicer (Orca in my case) when I hit sync. Otherwise, if a load a project that has a different list of filaments than my currently loaded spools, syncing never brings back my preset and I have to change it every time.

Is there any way to force a sync? I unlinked from my account and reconnected but that doesn’t seem to do it either. The filament remains defined on my pc but resets to ? when selected in the AMS.