Unfortunately I believe this to be a firmware issue but im at lost ends its been 8 days and nothing from Bambu here is my support ticket if anyone has any advice it would be great and much appreciated.
Unfortunate that you’re experiencing this and also experiencing lackluster customer support (something that has been a pain in the community). While I have nothing to offer in terms of the LiDAR issue, I do have several questions.
What material are you printing in?
What plates have you tried?
Have you tried any other models to test the bed adhesion?
I noticed that after a certain update (don’t remember which one sadly), I had to increase my bed temperature for PLA to 65C when using the Textured PEI Sheet. From the images you provided, it looks like you’re also using the Textured PEI Sheet. Have you tried increasing bed temp to see if it would help?
I’ve done it all different plates made sure there 100% clean used glue tried different models that I had no issues with prior to the update. I stopped my print because I noticed I forgot to change the color in my model saw the firmware update, updated while I changed the color of the model that’s all I did and tried to reprint after the calibration and that’s when it all went to hell. I can get my textured plate to work sometimes but had to adjust my z-offset for that.
I’ve had bed adhesion issues in the past on models previously printed without issue as well. I’m assuming you’re printing in PLA? Can you see if increasing your bed temperature for the Textured PEI Sheet will help?
This issue does need to be addressed as you’re not the only user that this recently happened to. But this may just allow you to get your prints going until Bambu (hopefully) addresses this.
Yep I’ve Varied between 55 and 70 some areas stick some don’t I can visually see the nozzle Rasing as its printing as if my bed is warped like a wave. Wasn’t doing that prior to the update. I can get prints to go but I make a lot of lightboxes so my first layer has to be perfect like it was prior to the update.
Also I’ve tried abs tpu pla and pla+ no change with any of them.
Hmmm, well then unfortunately I don’t know what else I can offer for help. Increasing the bed temperature was the fix for me, however my issue came about 2-3 updates prior. I know several other users are having the same issue you have, except the LiDAR. So its best to poke around their posts as well and hopefully someone else has some info/insight than what I can offer.
Hopefully this gets addressed soon.
Ya I think I’m just going to take a break from it for now. Maybe one of these days they will come out with something. Its getting to the point where lawyers can get involved I hope they realize company get sued over stuff like this. They still need to take care of your customers.
I have had a very, very similar experience. LIDAR calibration impossible since last update. I also filed my ticket on 30 Dec without response to date and of course also ran through the wiki.
While I can still print (with PLA), I am really not keen on fully manual calibration. With a second AMS coming sometime soon, doing at least 2 calibration runs per filmanet is going to take ages…
In the forum, there are a related threads:
Unfortunately, no easy solution on the horizon. I expect that Bambu may be looking into the problem both on the hardware side (my LIDAR failed after about 1350h with PLA and PETG) and the software side (depending on number of tickets filed for this).
Still, in the EU this is clearly a warranty issue during the first 2 years. I understand it’ll take them some time , especially since they seem to have been unable to come up with “easy” solutions in the past, but if I have to go for another week without even so much as a personal reply, I fear that I’ll be at my wits end. I would probably not have an alternative to demanding a replacement printer under EU warrantly law.
Regarding your bed adhesion issues, I doubt that this is linked to the LIDAR issue as that will just rely on the nozzle capacitance sensor if LIDAR data is not useable. So maybe do a reset to factory conditions in case you are unable to revert changes and try the original smooth plates with glue. As for the textured plate, there’s a long thread in the forum concluding that an occasional clean with steel cleaning pads will quickly resolve issues by providing a more through clean/polish.
My connection is currently a bit slow. I’ll update this post when I have a chance to find the thread.
Im just done with it and them and this point. I’ve been printing for over 5 years now I know how to troubleshoot I’ve tried different plates and setting done all there crappy wiki troubleshooting plus some .
Considering the number of updates you have posted through Bambu’s ticket system I sympathize.
On my side, I was not actually expecting a response last week as the LIDAR problem seems to be a tricky one and there were loads of people onboarding since the Mini’s release. And god knows how many more over Christmas… all raising questions/tickets over the hol’s…
Just a few minutes ago, I did get a response. Probably not a solution yet, but hopefully a step on the way. The key was to also take a pic of the Printer side of the USB-C cable path. This confirms that the wiki was followed fully. And: My USB-C cable should not look like this:
Easy thing to happen during final assembly. Bambu was very quick to respond when I asked for a replacement cable. Let’s hope this is the root cause. I fear not, but
I have a picture of the cable being pinched on the “hotend” side in my ticket the “printer” side was fine I really hope they don’t want to send them a picture of that side too done put it all back together. But who knows I’m happy you’re getting help though I’m confused though earlier today you said you haven’t heard anything to date from your ticket on the 30th, but in this last post you said you got a response last week? and now they’re willing to change your cable out without any other troubleshooting? I agree the cable shouldn’t look like either.
Well, I got a response 30 Min after updating my ticket last night. Nothing beforehand.
To me, it makes sense if customer support is screening tickets. In my last update, I explicitly asked for a new cable. So that was something they were able to act on without waiting for internal technical feedback.
I might as well try that too. I’ve been waiting since the 29th for a reply on my ticket.
Gotcha well if that is the case that there are screeing the tickets as there updated then it would be nice if they can at least reply instead of not saying anything for ten days now this is absolutel bullshit to be honest.
I did it hasn’t changed a thing they are just picking and choosing who to help out Ive heard some people will get a response in a couple of hours.
TBH, I fear the LIDAR issue is bigger than just a wonky cable.
I can see the Laser operating during bed levelling through the camera, but not during LIDAR calibration.
I expect it is a bit of a culture thing not to say anything until they assessed the issue properly. I’d appreciate an update or some feedback from Bambu, but I do not think that there is more that I can do other than jumping through the hoops.
Same here it only calls out a fault during calibration, if ut is a software issus then at least let us know but they wont because they dont have a solution for it other then a rollback which i can understand why they dont want to do that, due to there being a “backdoor” into their cloud system with custom firmware but I dont want custom firmware I just want working firmware lol.
I took some footage today showing that the LIDAR actually seems to be working properly during calibration. It is just trying to calibrate in the wrong place
I updated my ticket accordingly. Hope its not a difficult fix. During the last days, I really came to miss my LIDAR when doing more PETG prints. Calibration by LIDAR gave me far better results than what I can do manually…