I’m sorry you didn’t believe me. But everything I’ve told you is truth. Including when I earlier linked a build plate with the logo on it. That was my error and I’ll own it. It wasn’t intentional, and I’m not sure how I missed it. But I did. No excuses, I messed up.
Since you asked what I did, I’ll tell you exactly what I did:
I unboxed it
Removed packaging materials
Calibrated & Connected to Wi-Fi (though I can’t recall if you have to connect first or calibrate first… These two steps might be out of order)
Put on the gold build plate that came with the unit. I washed it in hot water with Dawn detergent just to make sure there was not any residue on it from shipping. It did not have a logo in the middle. Just like the official unboxing videos from Bambu don’t have the logo in the middle
Loaded the benchy because, hey, let’s see how this thing looks out of the box.
First couple layers looked ok, walked away and came back to spaghetti. No big deal, maybe my shirt rubbed against the plate. I’ll clean it again.
Same result.
Jumped online to see what I was doing wrong. Tried resetting, recalibrating machine, even upgraded to the beta firmware.
Same problems.
I swear on my 10 year old daughters life that I did not change a singular setting. Right now the machine is 100% stock save for the hardened steel.4 hot end. I’m back on standard firmware.
Called bro in law to bring his machine that I helped setup a few weeks earlier over (his works beautifully and still does) to see if I somehow missed something or if my settings were different than his somehow (we didn’t change any settings on either machine to this point) and everything was identical. Including the no logo plate that came with his printer as well.
I’m not using any parts on this machine that did not come from Bambu. Exception being the Cryogrip build plate that I mentioned several posts ago that I purchased this past week. All photos are with the build plate that Bambu sent. Period. Even THEIR unboxing shows the exact same no logo plate as does the other post I linked in here from another user.
Here’s another unboxing video. Look at the build plate at around the 3:30 mark. No logo.
And another around the 1:10 mark
I don’t know how much more basic I can go back to. Everything is art stock settings.
Even in the past, I’ve never changed anything other than print speed, layer height, brim, raft, support, temp at nozzle or bed in an effort to get better adhesion. None of it worked so I just reset everything to standard settings and reached out for help.
I’m sure I’d feel the same way you do if I saw someone having the issues I’m having, after everything that should work doesn’t, it looks suspicious.