With my LIDAR trying to calibrate next to the calibration board since Firmware update, I would like to obtain a little clarity on this behavior which renders the LIDAR non-functional. Unfortunately, Support is not actually very supportive as they are promising to send parts but then failing to actually do so.
This behavior does however point me to the Bambu Lab Wiki for this error, stating that this particular bug is known to have one of its key causes in Firmware issues. All other points from the wiki could of course already be eliminated in my case.
So I would like to know if other X1 users, in particular of older models, are experiencing similar issues.
My LIDAR has no issue
My LIDAR is not functioning correctly and my X1 is younger than 3 months
My LIDAR is not functioning correctly and my X1 is 3 to 6 months old
My LIDAR is not functioning correctly and my X1 is 6 to 9 months old
My LIDAR is not functioning correctly, my X1 is older than 9 months
Unfortunately not. Due to X1+, Bambu blocked the rollback option. For me, it is currently only possible to rollback from 01.07.02 to 01.07.01. Otherwise, that would have been an easy check.
However, due to the feedback received to the poll to date, I can no longer assume that this is a widespread issue. While a single user is currently experiencing pretty much exactly the same issue, the Bambu recommended resolution (USB-C and LIDAR replacement) is identical. Let’s see how we fare once the LIDAR’s have arrived and are installed. Fortunately, Bambu support notified of imminent dispatch.
Yeah, I’ve read the BL top honcho’s press release on this matter…This appears to be BL “response” to the release of a third-party firmware, in fact a community-based firmware development, the X1 Plus Firmware, which enables jailbreaking the X1C from BL’s strictly controlled proprietary software. I’ve been trying to locate and download the X1 Plus firmware (to test it), but it seems that following the “chat” between BL top brass and the X1 Plus team, this community-based firmware can’t be found online any longer. If someone has a download link for the X1Plus firmware, I’d appreciate it if you could share it (either publicly or via pm).
There’s a thread in the forum where this has been extensively discussed.
You can’t roll back to anything earlier than 1.07 because that allows the X1+ FW to be loaded. BBL will let you load that X1+ FW if you want, but only after you sign a waiver that voids your warranty. And once done, you cannot go back to BBL FW.
Nothing Machiavellian about this. They’re struggling to support their legitimate user base. They don’t need the headache of users who mess stuff up with unsupported FW, too. So they’re saying “use it, but you’re on your own if you do” which is perfectly fine IMO.
I have the exact same problem and after replacing USB cable, lidar, with a month back and forth between Bambu and myself the lidar still won’t complete initial calibrations.
I had a bunch of LIDAR issues and it ended up being the USB C cable that goes to the print head. I’m not sure why support isn’t sending you parts. Its never been an issue for me. I’d push the issue on getting replacement parts if your other troubleshooting hasn’t worked.
So with things finally approaching closure on my side, it is time for a quick recap of this (almost) never ending story.
With the variety of components in the various iterations of the X1C on its road to standardization, it appears that a few unfortunate printers suffered from the firmware incapitibility with the 1.07 update (as per the wiki for this error) which of course can not be rolled back. Instead, Bambu asked users to perform Firmware updates by … hardware replacements
While for example @iamyournurse seems to have received all parts in a single shipment, I got the salami treatment. First the squished USB cable replacement (took a few iterations to get the reimbursement since it was not sent but had to be ordered by myself), then the LIDAR replacement, then the TH board and cable,…
In the end, getting this piecemeal treatment turned out to be fortunate as my printer died completely just minutes before I wanted to replace the TH board and cable . That was back in Feb, well over a month after my initial ticket and after well over a full working week of hours replacing parts, double and tripple-checking, uploading logs/pic’s/video’s, etc…
It serves to highlight that I was simply unfortunate in the specific printer I received.
With Bambu Customer Service flooded at the time, ticket updates were inversely proportional to actual progress. That only changed when I put in a local TrustPilot review for my tickets 4 month “anniversary”.
I do not know if that was indeed the trigger or if Bambu had finally and properly caught up with the ticketting flood, but since then, I have finally received the replacement printer originally requested in late Jan.
So here’s to hoping that the ticket floodwaters are receeding, clean-up is progressing and, in my case, that old printer return and refunding the deposit happen without further issues.
Final update 06.06.2024: Return of the old printer and the deposit happened smoothly well within expectations (2 working days on printer return (EU - Germany), around 5 days until Bambu had inspected the printer and notified about imminent return of the deposit, 3 working days until it showed up on my statements. Considering that Bambu is only promising 30 days for their part of the return process, that part of my 5 month ticket resolution was a good experience.